10 Facts about Breaking Bad

Tuesday, August 25th 2015. | Entertainment

Let’s find out the American crime drama TV series in Facts about Breaking Bad. Vince Gillian produced and created this popular TV series. For the first five seasons for Breaking Bad, it was aired at AMC network. The five seasons last from 20 January 2008 until 29 September 2013. Here are some interesting facts about Breaking Bad for you:

Facts about Breaking Bad 1: the short story of Breaking Bad

The center of the story is on the struggling high school chemistry named Walter White. Bryan Cranston got the role. This man was diagnosed with lung cancer. He conducted a life of crime along with his former student named Jesse Pinkman played by Aaron Paul.

Facts about Breaking Bad 2: the life of Crime

The life of Crime that White and Pinkman conducted is by producing and crystallized methamphetamine. It is used to raise money. Therefore, he can give the money for his family before he dies because of lung cancer.

Breaking Bad Facts

Breaking Bad Facts

Facts about Breaking Bad 3: the shooting location

The shooting location of Breaking Bad is mainly conducted in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Facts about Breaking Bad 4: the family of Walter White

Let’s find out the members of the family of Walter White. He has a wife named Skyler. It is played by Anna Gunn. He has two kids.  The first one is Walter played by RJ Mitte and Holly is played by Elanor Anne Wenrich.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

Facts about Breaking Bad 5: the Skyler’s sister

Skyler has a sister named Marie Schrader. Her husband is a Drug Enforcement Administration, Hank. Check Braveheart facts here.

Facts about Breaking Bad 6: the popularity of Breaking Bad

Breaking bad is a very popular TV series. It is considered as one of the greatest TV series of all time. It is one of the most watched cable TV shows during the finale.

Facts about Breaking Bad

Facts about Breaking Bad

Facts about Breaking Bad 7: the awards

There are several awards that Breaking Bad has such as a People’s Choice Award, 8 Satellite Awards, 16 Primetime Emmy Awards, 2 Peabody Awards, and 16 Primetime Emmy Awards.

Facts about Breaking Bad 8: the awards for Cranston

Cranston is the leading role in Breaking Bad. Due to his wonderful performance, he earns Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in Drama Series.

Breaking Bad Series

Breaking Bad Series

Facts about Breaking Bad 9: the highest rated show

Another record that Breaking Bad has is that it is considered as the highest rated show of all time in the Guinness World Records. Get facts about Bollywood here.

Facts about Breaking Bad 10: Vince Gilligan

Vince Gilligan is the creator of Breaking Bad. In this series, Gillian wanted to make the protagonist became the antagonist. Gillian is a wonderful creator for he also makes the Fox Series the X-Files.

Breaking Bad Picture

Breaking Bad Picture

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