10 Facts about Buckfast Abbey

Friday, September 11th 2015. | Destinations

Facts about Buckfast Abbey talk a home to an abbey located at Buckfast. It is considered as a part of Benedictine Monastery in England.  In 1018, it was the first time Buckfast was used as a house for the abbey. In 1902, the abbey was restored. In 1903, Bonafice Natter was blessed as the first abbot there. Until this present day, a Benedictine foundation operated Buckfast abbey. Here are some interesting facts about Buckfast Abbey:

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 1: who established the Buckfast Abbey?

In 1018, Earldorman of Devon named Aethelweard established the first abbey at Buckfast. This man was also called as King Cnut. The exact location of this first monastery was not clear due to the small and poor look. Find out facts about Benedictine Rule here.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 2: the current location

The abbey was conducted in the current location around 1134 or 1136. The French Abbot of Savigny granted the permission to access Buckfast from King Stephen. Savignac monks considered this second abbey as their house.

Buckfast Abbey Facts

Buckfast Abbey Facts

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 3: Cistercian monastery

Cistercian monastery was formed after the Cistercian and Savignac congregation merged in 1147. Therefore, the stone was used to reconstruct the abbey. The plan of construction for the abbey was based on the Cistercian monastery after in 1882, the excavation was executed. Find out Bath Abbey facts here.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 4: the Buckfast Abbey in medieval time

Because of the sheep wool trading and fishing, the abbey was very wealthy in the medieval period. However, there were two abbots and many monks died because of the Black Death. The Buckfast was inhabited only by 14 monks in 1377.

Buckfast Abbey

Buckfast Abbey

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 5: Buckfast abbey in 14th century

One of the richest abbeys in south-west England was Buckfast abbey in 14th century. The abbey operated the fisheries located at Dart and Avon, town houses in Exeter, a country home for abbot at Kingsbridge 17 manors in south and central Devon, and sheep runs on Dartmoor.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 6: the decline of the abbey

The abbey was declined by 16th century.

Buckfast Abbey Interior

Buckfast Abbey Interior

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 7: the ordained monks

Between 1500 and 1539, the abbey only ordained 22 new monks. The abbey was only occupied by 10 monks after the dissolution on 25 February 1539.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 8: the garden of the Buckfast abbey

An enclosed garden for the monks is seen behind the public area of the abbey. You can also spot a bridge to reach the abbey farm over a river.

Buckfast Abbey Inside

Buckfast Abbey Inside

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 9: the important parts of abbey

You can find a restaurant, a seminar center and conference in Buckfast abbey.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey 10: the two gardens

There are two gardens that you can spot on the west side of the abbey. The plants include the medicine plants, cooking plants, herbs and poisonous plants.

Facts about Buckfast Abbey

Facts about Buckfast Abbey

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