10 Facts about Buying a Home

Thursday, September 24th 2015. | Economy

Facts about Buying a Home tell you the information about the process of purchasing a new house for the first time. A house is very important in our life. People consider it as the most important property for you will live here with family. However, not all people can afford the house due to the increased price of a property. Actually you get a house in cheaper price if you know the right place to buy it. Here are some interesting facts about buying a home:

Facts about Buying a Home 1: an investment

The house in America is not only a place to live, but it is also a source of wealth. People like to buy houses for they can be the investment in the future. The price of the property is always enhanced from time to time.

Facts about Buying a Home 2: losing the house

It is a very bad idea to stretch a house that you cannot afford to pay. You can use the service of financing. But if you cannot afford the monthly payment, you can lose the house. In 2008 until 2009, there were million of homeowners losing their houses because of bad payment.

Facts about Buying a Home

Facts about Buying a Home

Facts about Buying a Home 3: the budget

When you look for a new house, make sure that you have decided the budget that you can afford to spend.

Facts about Buying a Home 4: mortgage loan

After deciding the budget, note on the mortgage loan. Make sure that you can pay the loan.

Buying a Home

Buying a Home

Facts about Buying a Home 5: the down payment

Besides thinking about the loan that you have to pay, you need to know on the down payment. The mortgage lenders or banks will ask the buyer to pay the down payment.

Facts about Buying a Home 6: the importance of down payment

Down payment is very important when you want to buy a home for it makes sure that you own such a portion of the house.

Buying a Home Plan

Buying a Home Plan

Facts about Buying a Home 7: the closing costs

There are several closing costs that the buyer has to pay to earn a mortgage. Those include the application cost for the mortgage loan, inspection cost, a title search and appraisal cost. Check facts about buying a car here.

Facts about Buying a Home 8: the approved one

Before you look at the various houses offered by the salesperson, it is okay for you to go to the bank or mortgage lender to know the amount of money that they are willing to lend you. Therefore, you can look for the house in the proper price range.

Buying a Car Pic

Buying a Car Pic

Facts about Buying a Home 9: the agent

In most cases, the buyer does not have to pay the agent. Get business facts here.

Facts about Buying a Home 10: the property taxes

Don’t forget to pay the tax every year after you own a house.

Buying a Home facts

Buying a Home facts

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