10 Facts about C-Section

Tuesday, May 31st 2016. | Medical

If you want to know more about a surgical procedure conducted on the abdomen and uterus of a mother, take a look at Facts about C-Section. In normal condition, the mother will have their baby in vaginal delivery. However, the C-Section can be conducted if the life of the baby or mother is in danger. Therefore, she has to do vaginal delivery. Let’s check other interesting facts about C-Section below:

Facts about C-Section 1: C-Section

C-Section stands for Caesarean section. It is not only performed because of the health reason. Some women also like to conduct for other reasons.

Facts about C-Section 2: the recommendation of WHO

Even though some mothers decide to do C-Section without any health problem, actually it is recommended for them to have a vaginal delivery. It should be performed based on the medical need.

C-Section Facts

C-Section Facts

Facts about C-Section 3: the number of C-Section cases

The number of C-Section cases is increased from year to year. Therefore, the campaign to do the vaginal delivery is conducted by various health organizations and governments. There were around 23 million C-Sections which had been conducted in 2012.

Facts about C-Section 4: the ideal rate

Actually the ideal rate of having C-Section in the world is between 10 percent and 15 percent of all deliveries.

C-Section Pictures

C-Section Pictures

Facts about C-Section 5: the first modern C-Section

Ferdinand Adolf Kehrer was a German gynecologist who conducted the first modern C-section in 1881.

Facts about C-Section 6: Pfannenstiel incision

Pfannenstiel incision is considered as the common method in C-Section. The name of the method was derived from Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel. Get facts about CTE here.

C-Section Pic

C-Section Pic

Facts about C-Section 7: the undesirable outcome

The undesirable outcomes are perceived in both vagina and C-section deliveries. The risk for C-Section is counted at 9.2 percent. The vaginal delivery has lower undesirable outcome at 8.6 percent.

Facts about C-Section 8: the death risk

The death risk for vagina birth in a developed world is 3.5 per 100,000. On the other hand, the death risk for C-Section is 13 per 100,000.

Cytoplasm Images

Cytoplasm Images

Facts about C-Section 9: the other risks

The other risks which may occur when a mother has C-Section include incisional hernias, wound infection and postoperative adhesions. Find facts about Cystic Hygroma here.

Facts about C-Section 10: pregnancy

Some people believe that the mothers who have C-Section have less intention to be pregnant again because of the greater impact than those who have vaginal birth.

Facts about C-Section

Facts about C-Section

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