10 Facts about California Gold Rush

Wednesday, September 30th 2015. | History

Check period of the American history which occurred in 1848 until 1855 in Facts about California Gold Rush. James W. Marshall discovered gold on 24 January 1848 at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California.  The news of gold discovery spread in US. It made people come to California to get gold. There were around 300,000 gold seekers who came to the state via sailing ships and covered wagon. Here are other detail facts about Californian Gold Rush:

Facts about California Gold Rush 1: the foreign people

The California gold rush not only attracted the people from America. There were at least 10,000 people from Asia, Australia, Europe and Latin America who came here to try their luck for finding the gold.

Facts about California Gold Rush 2: the effect of gold rush

The effect of gold rush at that time was really felt by all people. Since there was no law which stated about the property right, the people could pick up the gold nuggets or loose gold off the ground.

California facts

California facts

Facts about California Gold Rush 3: as a US state

California became the state in US in 1850. To make sure that the personal need of the settlers were fulfilled; the ranching and agriculture in California were expanded.

Facts about California Gold Rush 4: a violent period

Even though Californian gold rush gave the people a new hope for a better life and economy in America, it was a violent period for the new people.

California Gold Rush

California Gold Rush

Facts about California Gold Rush 5: the new settlers

The new settlers in California had to experience the racist attacks, anti foreign attack and confiscatory taxes. Most people who faced these violent acts included the Latin American and Chinese people.

Facts about California Gold Rush 6: the worth of gold

If you value the worth of gold found in California today, it can reach the price $10 billion dollars.

Facts about California Gold Rush

Facts about California Gold Rush

Facts about California Gold Rush 7: a little money

The people who worked to mine the gold could only take home a little money because the mining process to get gold needed advanced technology. The big mining companies took over the job. Many settlers were only used for gathering the gold.

Facts about California Gold Rush 8: genocide

During the period, genocide also occurred in Great Basin. The Native Americans who lived there were killed. In 1845, there were only 150,000 native people in California. At first, it had 705,000 native people.

California Gold Rush Facts

California Gold Rush Facts

Facts about California Gold Rush 9: the beginning of California Gold rush

James W. Marshall discovered gold on 24 January 1848. He worked for John Sutter, a Sacramento Pioneer. Sutter was impressed after both found out that it was gold. Get facts about California here.

Facts about California Gold Rush 10: the spreading news

Actually Marshall wanted to keep the news about gold hidden. However, San Francisco newspaper confirmed the rumor about the gold discovery in American river.

California Gold Rush photo

California Gold Rush photo

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