10 Facts about Cecil Rhodes

Sunday, November 8th 2015. | Figures

Facts about Cecil Rhodes explain the interesting information about the famous politician in South Africa, British businessman, imperialist and mining magnate. He was born on July 5th, 1853 and died on March 26th, 1902. The southern African territory of Rhodesia was established by this man. In 1895, the region was named after him. Here are other interesting facts about Cecil Rhodes:

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 1: the university

If you are in South Africa, you can check the university named after Cecil Rhodes. The name of the university is Rhodes University. His estate funded the Rhodes scholarship.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 2: the place of birth of Rhodes

Rhodes was born in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, England in 1853. His mother was Louisa Peacock Rhodes, while his father was Reverend Francis William Rhodes. In the family, Cecil was the fifth son.

Cecil Rhodes Facts

Cecil Rhodes Facts

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 3: the family life

Let’s find out the family life of Cecil Rhodes. Francis William Rhodes was one of Cecil’s siblings. He worked an army officer. His father was a Church of England vicar.  If he could present a sermon longer than 10 minutes, it made him proud.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 4: education

When he was nine years old, Cecil went to Bishop’s Stortford Grammar School. In 1869, he left the grammar school because he was asthmatic and sickly.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes

Facts about Cecil Rhodes

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 5: the journey to the African land

Since he was sickly, his father wanted him to get the better climate and had a sea voyage.  The brother of Cecil named Herbert had already settled in Natal, South Africa. Cecil was sent to the African land to join his brother there.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 6: the arrival to South Africa

Cecil arrived in Africa on September 1st, 1870. The journey to Durban lasted for 70 days. The main purpose for sending him in Africa was to improve his health. Since Herbert, his brother operated cotton; the family wished that he would help him.

Cecil Rhodes

Cecil Rhodes

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 7: agriculture

Rhodes was interested with agriculture after he helped his brother in the cotton farm. Get facts about Cath Kidston here.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 8: diamond mining operation

Since the cotton farm of Herbert failed, both went to Kimberly. It was famous with the diamond mining. In the later years, there were several smaller diamond mining operations bought by Rhodes in the area.

Cecil Rhodes Pic

Cecil Rhodes Pic

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 9: the diamond supply

In 1890, he had to end up the monopoly of diamond after he had a partnership with Diamond Syndicate based in London. Get facts about Alberto Alessi here.

Facts about Cecil Rhodes 10: the political point of view

If we talk about his political point of view, Rhodes supported Liberal Party in United Kingdom.

Cecil Rhodes Mogul

Cecil Rhodes Mogul

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