10 Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution

Saturday, December 5th 2015. | History

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution tell the condition of the children during the industrial revolution. Many children ended up in factories. They had to work to earn money. The industrial revolution was a good sign for the economy in Europe.  The infant mortality rates were decreased even though the chances of surviving childhood were not improved. Check other facts about child labor during the industrial revolution below:

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 1: the education

The children were expected to work in the production factories due to the low opportunities for them to pursue education.

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 2: the payment

The payment that the children received was less than the payment of adult. Actually the productivity of the adults and children were comparable at that time. Get facts about child development here.

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Image

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Image

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 3: the industrial machine

The industrial machines employed during the industrial revolution were new.  The owners of the industries did not have to pick the experienced adult labor since the strength was not needed to operate the machine. That’s why child labor was considered as the first choice for workers in the factories in 18th and 19th centuries of industrial revolution.

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 4: the workers in cotton mills

There was a report which stated that two-thirds of the workers in the water powered cotton mills were children.  The cotton mills were located in Scotland and England.

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Pic

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Pic

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 5: the existence of child labor

Actually the child labor had been existed before the industrial revolution. But it was more visible in the industrial revolution due to the increase of population.

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 6: the risk

The condition of the workplace was very bad and dangerous for the children. Moreover, they also received smaller wage than that of adults.

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 7: the age of the children

The children engaged in the workforce of industrial revolution were as young as four years old.

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 8: the working hours

The working hours were very long.  In some cases, they had to work from 4 am to 5 pm as coal miners.

Facts about Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution

Facts about Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 9: the dangerous workplace

The workplace was very dangerous.  The children died because of the gas explosion. Find facts about A Child Called It here.

Facts about Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 10: the lung cancer

The lung cancer was very prevalent among the children who worked in the industrial revolution.  Some of them died before they reached 25 years old.

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Facts

Child Labor During the Industrial Revolution Facts

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