10 Facts about Childhood Cancer

Monday, December 7th 2015. | Medical

The cancer in a child is presented on Facts about Childhood Cancer. People also call it as a pediatric cancer.  The branch of medicine which talks about the treatment or diagnosis of cancer on the children is pediatric oncology. The mortality rate of the childhood cancer is 96,000 per years. There are around 175,000 cases of childhood cancer per year. Get other interesting facts about below:

Facts about Childhood Cancer 1: the mortality rate of childhood cancer

The mortality rate of childhood cancer in the developed countries is around 20 percent from the whole cases. In the poorest countries in the world, the mortality rate is around 80 percent to 90 percent due to the poor resource setting.

Facts about Childhood Cancer 2: the increased cases of childhood cancer

The rate of childhood cancer was increased from 1975 to 2002 in United States by 0.6 per year. In 1978 until 1997, the cases were increased 1.1 percent per year in Europe.

Childhood Cancer Facts

Childhood Cancer Facts

Facts about Childhood Cancer 3: the most common childhood cancers

Leukemia is considered as the most common cancer occurred on children for it occupies 34 percent from the whole cases of childhood cancer. The brain cancer occupies 23 percent, while 12 percent of the cases are lymphomas.

Facts about Childhood Cancer 4: leukemia

There were around 4.1 for per 100,000 people with the age under 20 years with leukemia in 2005.

Childhood Cancer Image

Childhood Cancer Image

Facts about Childhood Cancer 5: the central nervous system and brain tumors

Some examples of the central nervous system and brain tumor on children include high-grade glioma, ependymoma, astrocytoma, medulloblastoma and craniopharyngioma.

Facts about Childhood Cancer 6: the less common childhood cancer

Rhabdomyosarcoma, Neuroblastoma, Ewing sarcoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Pleuropulmonary blastoma, and Wilms tumor are the less common childhood cancer types.

Childhood Cancer Pictures

Childhood Cancer Pictures

Facts about Childhood Cancer 7: the cause

There are 5 to 15 percent of childhood cancer cases caused by the familial and genetic factors. Get facts about child obesity here.

Facts about Childhood Cancer 8: the other causes

The other causes of childhood cancer include prenatal exposure to medications, X-rays and tobacco. They are caused by exogenous factors and environmental exposures. The cases caused by those factors are only less than 5 to 10 percent of the cancer cases.

Facts about Childhood Cancer

Facts about Childhood Cancer

Facts about Childhood Cancer 9: the organizations

There are several organizations which focus on the childhood cancer. Those include Children’s Cancer Recovery Foundation, CLIC Sargent, Childhood Cancer Canada and American Childhood Cancer Organization. Find facts about child health here.

Facts about Childhood Cancer 10: the international day

On 15th February, people commemorate the International Childhood Day per year.

Childhood Cancer

Childhood Cancer

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