10 Facts about Clementine Churchill

Tuesday, January 12th 2016. | Figures

Facts about Clementine Churchill talk about a great woman, Clementine Churchill was quite famous among people. She was the wife of a great man in the UK called Sir Winston Churchill. What was her life actually? These are some facts about her.

Facts about Clementine Churchill 1: The Parents

She was a legal daughter of Lady Blanche and Henry Montague. People debated about her paternity. It’s due the notorious name of her mother as an infidel woman. Later in her life, she also had the similar behavior as compared to her mother.

Facts about Clementine Churchill 2: Her Education

She was well-educated. She got her first education at home. Later, she entered Edinburg school run by the famous Frobel family. Later, she joined Woman Berkhamsted School. She also entered Sorbonne in Paris.

Clementine Churchill Image

Clementine Churchill Image

Facts about Clementine Churchill 3: The Relationship

She didn’t have a long courtship with Churchill. They fell to each other in an instant. Winston was attracted by her distinction and beauty. He also liked Clementine’s great character and intelligence.

Clementine Churchill Facts

Clementine Churchill Facts

Facts about Clementine Churchill 4: The Marriage

Clementine married Churchill on 12 September 1908. It was in Westminster where their wedding was held.

Facts about Clementine Churchill 6: Her Children

She gave birth to 5 children. However, only the youngest (Mary) lived a long life. Marigold died at the age of 3. The 3 others all died before the age of 70. Find facts Catherine the Great here.

Facts about Clementine Churchill

Facts about Clementine Churchill

Facts about Clementine Churchill 7: The World War I

During WWI, she organized several canteens for weapon storages and she worked under YMCA. She was chosen as a CBE by the association and it was in 1918.

Facts about Clementine Churchill 8: Her Affair Issue

She once traveled aboard without her husband to some islands New Caledonia, Moluccas, and others. During her travel, many people believe she had contacted with a man named Terence Philip. This man was a wealthy businessman and many people she had an affair with him.

Clementine Churchill

Clementine Churchill

Facts about Clementine Churchill 9: The World War II

She was a Red Cross Chairman during the WWII. She also had other important roles including the president of YWCA. Due to her big contribution in the war, her name was used for a hospital in Harrow. Check Clara Barton facts here.

Facts about Clementine Churchill 10: Her Death

Clementine died due to a heart attack in her home in Knightsbridge. She outlived her husband and died at the age of 92 years old. She is buried along with her kids and husband. Marigold is the exception, though.

Clementine Churchill Pic

Clementine Churchill Pic

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