10 Facts about Cleopatra
Find out the information about the famous female Pharaoh of Egypt on Facts about Cleopatra. She was born in 69 BC and died on 30 August 30 BC. She was considered as the last pharaoh of Egypt. The father of Cleopatra was Pharaoh Ptolemy VII. She was born as a Princess of Egypt. When she was a child, she was concerned with how Egypt was ruled by his father. There is no need to wonder that her father really loved her. She was smart. Here are other interesting facts about Cleopatra to note:
Facts about Cleopatra 1: the family of Cleopatra
Egypt had been ruled by the family of Cleopatra for more than 300 years. Alexander the Great, the famous Greek ruler, established Ptolemy Dynasty. Therefore, they had Greek blood even though they ruled the country.
Facts about Cleopatra 2: Greek language
Greek language was a part of Cleopatra’s life. She learned to speak, write and read in Greek. But she also learned how to speak Latin and Egyptian.
Facts about Cleopatra 3: the death of her father
Cleopatra’s father died when she was only 18 years old. The throne was given to Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy VIII. Both served as the co ruler in Egypt since both were married. At that time, her brother was 10 years old. Get facts about Claudius here.
Facts about Cleopatra 4: the main ruler of Egypt
Since his brother was younger than Cleopatra, she served as the primary ruler in Egypt. The major decision was made by Cleopatra. When her brother grew older, he wanted Egypt and was interested to become a pharaoh.
Facts about Cleopatra 5: the arrival of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar came to Egypt in 48 BC. She convinced Caesar to help her taken the throne of Egypt from her brother. Julius Caesar agreed to help her. Find facts about Cincinnatus here.
Facts about Cleopatra 6: Battle of Nile
At the Battle of Nile, Ptolemy’s army was defeated by Julius Caesar’s army. Cleopatra became the Pharaoh of Egypt after Ptolemy was drowned in Nile River.
Facts about Cleopatra 7: falling in love
Julius Caesar and Cleopatra fell in love. Both had a child, Caesarion. Even though Cleopatra had a love relationship with Caesar, she wanted Egypt to become an independent state.
Facts about Cleopatra 8: Marc Antony
Caesar was killed in 44 BC. Therefore, Cleopatra had to come back to Egypt. After the death of Caesar, three leaders appeared. One of them was Marc Antony.
Facts about Cleopatra 9: falling in love again
Cleopatra fell in love with Marc Antony after both met in 41 BC. She wanted Antony to help her son, Caesarion to become the ruler of Rome.
Facts about Cleopatra 10: Octavian
Octavian was the legal heir of Caesar. To get the throne of Rome, Antony and Cleopatra had to defeat him. However, Octavian was the winner in the Battle of Actium.
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