10 Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming

Saturday, January 16th 2016. | Environment

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming talk about the environment. Both global warming and climate change affect how people live in this planet. However, there are many facts people need to know regarding these terms. It’s more than just an environmental issue actually.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 1: The Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect isn’t bad thing. Without the existence of greenhouse gasses, the Earth will be too cold. This means living beings aren’t able to live properly due to the extremely cold temperature. It applies vice versa, though.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 2: The Death Due to Climate

The deaths due to climate and weather-related disasters were quite high. The fact is that those deaths happened mostly in developing countries. The worst data was in the 1990s.

Climate Change and Global Warming Pic

Climate Change and Global Warming Pic

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 3: The Hottest One

The year 2014 was considered to be the hottest year based on global record. Perhaps some people didn’t realize it as they live comfortable inside their air-conditioned house. The others suffered it for sure.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 4: The Carbon Dioxide

The amount of carbon dioxide is quite higher in the atmosphere now. The United States produces around 30% of the pollution from industries and fossil-fuel combustion. More carbon dioxide means a hotter greenhouse effect.

Global Warming

Global Warming

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 5: The Glaciers

The Earth is losing its Glaciers. We can only find 25 glaciers left in Montana Park. There were 150 glaciers back then in 1910.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 6: The Opposite Effect

Global warming may turn the climate upside-down. This means Sahara desert is turning greener and the Amazon Rainforest is becoming a dry land.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 7: The Sea Levels

The sea levels are rising in the north due to the melting of ice caps. This was also the first time in history that ships are able to pass through North America (the Northwest Passage). Find facts about aquatic biome here.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 8: The Coastal Regions

People living in the coastal area should concern more about the rise of sea levels. With the only one-yard rise of the level, they will be displaced immediately.

Climate Change

Climate Change

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 9: Human’s Involvement

Most climate scientists agree that human is the major cause of climate change. However, we can do something about it as long as we act sooner. This may lower the risk for the future generation.

Facts about Climate Change and Global Warming 10: China vs. the United States

While China plans to build a more electrical power station, the United States is trying hard to minimize the greenhouse gasses. Get facts about Carbon Footprint here.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate Change and Global Warming

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