10 Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation

Friday, February 26th 2016. | Physics

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation give you a lot of information. Basically, heat can travel in 3 different ways such as convection, conduction, and radiation. However, there are more things to know regarding these things.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 1: The Thermal Conduction

You may overlook the term of thermal conduction. However, it’s a quite important process of transferring on energy from an object to the other. The concept is similar to handing a letter message along the people around.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 2: The Competition

Convection and conduction often strive for dominance when the fluids are heated from below the container. The fluid will move down if the conduction is dominant. It applies vice versa, actually.

Conduction Convection and Radiation Facts

Conduction Convection and Radiation Facts

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 3: The Thermal Radiation

It occurs through transparent medium either fluid or solid. The radiation of the Earth gets the balance due to the outgoing and incoming thermal radiation.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 4: The Electromagnetic Radiation

The electromagnetic radiation rate is the same to the absorption amount by the source. As a result, the surface that gets more red lights radiates more when compared to others. This kind of principle actually applies to the entire wave properties.

Conduction Convection and Radiation Pictures

Conduction Convection and Radiation Pictures

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 5: The Movements of Particles

The random molecules and atoms movements may result to thermal radiation. Those properties indeed consist of both electrons and protons. The movements may result in the electromagnetic radiation emission.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 6: The Heat and Convection

Convection is always related to temperature and heat. It also closely relates to a particular phenomenon called as thermal energy. What you often call as heat is actually kinetic energy. It’s also called as thermal energy.

Conduction Convection and Radiation Image

Conduction Convection and Radiation Image

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 7: The Radiation and Conduction

Conduction relates to molecular movements and collisions. It also involves heat transfer between two objects in contact. Usually, it also occurs in solid objects. Convention always needs the fluid motion from a place to the other while radiation heat transfer doesn’t need a physical medium. Get facts about burning materials here.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 8: Convection Heat Transfer

Convection is quite similar to conduction as it needs a medium to transfer the heat. However, the heat is transferred from a molecule to others.

Conduction Convection and Radiation Pic

Conduction Convection and Radiation Pic

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 9: The Convective Cells

There’s an important mechanism called convective cells. Even though they are only in the size of a few millimeters, they could be bigger than the Earth.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation 10: The Flying

You should know that flying may cause radiation exposure. When you are on a plane, you should be worried about the rise of radiation level. Get facts about burning here.

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation

Facts about Conduction Convection and Radiation

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