10 Facts about Crazy Horse

Sunday, April 17th 2016. | Figures

Let me show you the interesting information about a Native American war leader from the Oglala Lakota on Facts about Crazy Horse. This man was born circa 1840 and died on 5th September 1877. He and his people were against the violation related to their territories and the daily life of the Lakota people. Therefore, they stood to fight the US federal government. In June 1976, Crazy Horse led his people in the Battle of Little Bighorn and gained victory. Check other facts about Crazy Horse below:

Facts about Crazy Horse 1: the surrendering process

In May 1877, Crazy Horse surrendered to the United States Army led by    General Crook. There was an accident four months after surrendering process. A military guard injured Crazy Horse by using a bayonet. It was believed that he did not want to be jailed at Camp Robinson.

Facts about Crazy Horse 2: a famous icon

Crazy Horse is considered as one of the famous icon of Native American people. In 1982, the United States Postal Service issued a postage stamp of Crazy Horse.

Crazy Horse Image

Crazy Horse Image

Facts about Crazy Horse 3: the birth date

There is no exact information related to the birth date of Crazy Horse. Most experts believe that he was born around 1840 to 1845.

Facts about Crazy Horse 4: a close friend

There was a report that Crazy Horse was likely born in 1842. It was a statement from a close friend of Crazy Horse for both were born in the same year.

Facts about Crazy Horse

Facts about Crazy Horse

Facts about Crazy Horse 5: the birth name

The birth name of Crazy Horse was Cha-O-Ha. It means Among the Trees or In the Wilderness. He was called Light Hair or Curly by his mother.

Facts about Crazy Horse 6: the parents of Crazy Horse

His mother was from Miniconjou tribe, while his father was Oglala Tribe. The name of his father was also Crazy Horse. He was born in 1810. His father decided to take a new name Waglula after his son was mature and strong. Another source stated that his father gave the name to his son after he had a vision.

Crazy Horse Pictures

Crazy Horse Pictures

Facts about Crazy Horse 7: the death of his mother

When Crazy Horse was 4 years old, his mother died. She was born in 1814. The name of his mother was Rattling Blanket Woman. Get facts about Cornel West here.

Facts about Crazy Horse 8: Touch the Clouds

Touch the Clouds was the name of his cousin. When Crazy Horse passed away, his cousin was with him. The life of Crazy Horse was saved at least once by his cousin.

Crazy Horse Pic

Crazy Horse Pic

Facts about Crazy Horse 9: the personality of Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse was considered as a generous person. He had modest and shy character. Find facts about Cosimo de Medici here.

Facts about Crazy Horse 10: as a warrior

He received higher reputation as a warrior in the end of 1850s and beginning of 1860s.

Crazy Horse Facts

Crazy Horse Facts

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