10 Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp
You can learn many things with Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp. Well, it’s actually the famous concentration camp built by Nazi. The prime function is to hold prisoners. There are many amazing facts about this place.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 1: the Prototype
Dachau actually was a model or prototype for other concentration camps. The layout and plan of this building were developed by Theodor Eicke. Later, it was applied to the next camps. He also had a secure camp consisted of army camps and living quarters.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 2: the First Year
There were more than 4,000 prisoners held in the camp during the first year. Later, the number increased significantly. It reached more than 13,000 prisoners. These people were social democrats, German communists, and other enemies of the Nazi.

Dachau Concentration Camp Facts
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 3: the Other Groups
As time went by, other groups were imprisoned including Gypsies, homosexuals, repeat criminals, and anti-social people.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 4: the First Jews
In the early years, a few Jews entered the concentration camp due to violations of Laws. Some of them also belonged to one of the groups stated before.

Dachau Concentration Camp Pic
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 5: the Enlargement
The SS decided to construct a large buildings complex using prisoner labor. Prisoners were utilized to do this project. It was in early 1937. The plan started with the old munitions factory destruction.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 6: the Completed Construction
The project was completed in 1938. It remained the same until 1945. As a matter of fact, Dachau remained active for the entire reign of the Third Reich.

Dachau Concentration Camp
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 7: the Jewish Prisoners
The number of Jewish prisoners increased drastically in 1938. There were more than 10K Jewish men were confined there. It was due to the increased persecution of Jews. Check facts about Belzec Concentration Camp here.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 8: the Training Center
SS guards used Dachau camp as a training center. There were 2 sections of the camp. They are the crematoria area and the camp area. There are 32 barracks within the camp area.

Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 9: the Main Camp
The crematorium area was built next to the main camp. It was done in 1942. Not to mention there was a gas chamber. Find facts about Concentration Camps here.
Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp 10: the Medical Experiments
Many German physicians conducted experiments on prisoners in Dachau. There were many experiments done on these convicts including the test of new medications.

Dachau Concentration Camp Image
Now you know some Facts about Dachau Concentration Camp.