10 Facts about Damath

Friday, June 10th 2016. | Education

Facts about Damath talk about the popular board game in the world. If you are interested to play Damath, there should be two players involved in the game. The people love it because this game is educational. The word Damath is taken from Dama and Math. The word Dama means Checkers. It is a Filipino word. The high school and elementary students are encouraged to play Damath if they want to increase the mathematical skill. Check other interesting facts about Damath below:

Facts about Damath 1: the features in Damath

The board features an even square. It reflects a mathematical symbol. A corresponding number can be found on each piece.

Facts about Damath 2: who invents Damath?

Jesus L. Huenda is the invention of this educational mathematical board game.

Damath Facts

Damath Facts

Facts about Damath 3: Philippines

Damath is very popular in Philippines. There is no need to wonder that the secondary and elementary schools in the country employ the board game during the educational process.

Facts about Damath 4: who is Jesus L. Huenda?

Jesus L. Huenda is a teacher in Sorsogon. Huenda faced difficulty when he had to teach the students using the traditional methods. Therefore, he invented Damath to teach them using a unique and interesting way.

Damath Game

Damath Game

Facts about Damath 5: the inspiration

In 1975, there was a student of Huenda who submitted a project called Dama de Numero. This work made him inspired to create Damath. The students enjoyed playing Damath when he introduced it for the first time in the class.

Facts about Damath 6: the popularity

Damath became a very popular game in the country. The first Damath tournament was hosted in 1980 in Sorsogon.

Damath Student

Damath Student

Facts about Damath 7: a medal

During the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos, Huenda was awarded with a gold medallion because he made a great contribution in Mathematics. Look at College facts here.

Facts about Damath 8: the peak popularity of Damath

In the end of 1990s, Damath was in the top popularity. It was became a hot topic in various mathematical education conventions.

Damath Pictures

Damath Pictures

Facts about Damath 9: Damath in United States

Reynaldo L. Duran was an international Filipino educator who introduced Damath in 2011 in New Mexico, USA during National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Get facts about Computer Engineering here.

Facts about Damath 10: the game duration

The duration of playing Damath is around 40 minutes.

Facts about Damath

Facts about Damath

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