10 Facts about Daniel Hale Williams

Friday, June 17th 2016. | Medical

If you are curious about medical world, it suggested for you to read the Facts about Daniel Hale Williams. Williams was recognized in the medical world as an African American general surgeon.  People always remember him due to his success when he conducted the pericardium surgery to fix a wound. It was the second documented surgery performed by Williams in 1893. Check other facts about Williams below:

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 1: the founder

Besides making a record with his pericardium surgery, Williams is also recognized as the founder of Provident Hospital. In United States, this hospital is considered as the 1st non segregated hospital. It was served by the African American doctors.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 2: segregation

Williams lived in segregated era in United States where the African American people treated in subordinate position in various fields of life. At that time, the Chicago Hospitals would never employ black doctors.

Daniel Hale Williams Image

Daniel Hale Williams Image

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 3: founding the Provident Hospital

Since Williams was rejected as a doctor in Chicago, he decided to establish his own Hospital called Provident Hospital in 1891. Look at facts about C-Section here.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 4: a training school

Williams was interested to form a nursing school too in Chicago.  The purpose was to train the nurses.

Daniel Hale Williams Facts

Daniel Hale Williams Facts

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 5: the pericardium surgery

The first African America who conducted pericardium surgery to repair a wound successfully was Williams in 1887. During the process of surgery, he was helped by Henry Dalton.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 6: the fully recovering patient

The patient who had the pericardium surgery handled by Williams was fully recovered. It was conducted on 6th September 1891.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 7: James Cornish

James Cornish was the patient of Williams who had a knife wound. The location of the wound was at the left fifth costal cartilage. To fix the wound, Williams conducted pericardium surgery on 10th July 1893.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 8: performing the surgery

When William did the surgery to repair the wound, he did not use any blood transfusion or even penicillin. Look at facts about Chris Barnard here.

Daniel Hale Williams

Daniel Hale Williams

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 9: leaving the hospital

Cornish left Provident Hospital 50 days after the first procedure of pericardium surgery was performed.

Facts about Daniel Hale Williams 10: the report

The successful pericardium of Williams was reported in 1897 even though it was successfully conducted on 10th July 1893.

Daniel Hale Williams Pic

Daniel Hale Williams Pic

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