10 Facts about David Edgar Artist

Tuesday, July 5th 2016. | Arts

Find out interesting information about the Australian painter on Facts about David Edgar Artist. He was born David Edgar Strachan on June 25th, 1919 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. He passed away on November 23rd, 1970. The people also recognize him as a teacher and a printmaker.  His parent was in Australian army as a doctor.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 1: the early life of Edgar

The family relocated to Creswick, Victoria after they lived in Adelaide in 1920. He was enrolled to Geelong Grammar School, Victoria.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 2: moving to London

Edgar spent two years to study under Randolph Schwabe at Slade School of Fine Art after he relocated to London in 1936.

Facts about David Edgar Artist

Facts about David Edgar Artist

Facts about David Edgar Artist 3: working as a printmaker

Edgar worked as a printmaker after he was enrolled to Académie de la Grande Chaumière in 1937. In April 1938, he came back to Australia and lived in Melbourne to work under George Bell.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 4: exhibition

He shared the art exhibition along with other notable artists in Contemporary Art Group. It was after he relocated to Sydney in 1941.

David Edgar Artist Pictures

David Edgar Artist Pictures

Facts about David Edgar Artist 5: moving to Europe

In 1948, David Edgar lived in Europe. When he was in Paris, he studied etching. In 1960 until 1965, he became a teacher for etching at Sydney Technical College.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 6: Society of Artists

In 1965, David Edgar was appointed as the president of the Society of Artists. He was the last person who served for this position.

David Edgar Artist Images

David Edgar Artist Images

Facts about David Edgar Artist 7: the exhibitions and shows

There were various exhibitions and shows conducted by David Edgar. He was seen in Paris UNESCO Exposition and held various group and solo exhibitions in Paris and London.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 8: Wynne Prize

In 1961 and 1964, David Edgar was the winner of Wynne Prize. Check facts about David Bailey here.

David Edgar Artist Facts

David Edgar Artist Facts

Facts about David Edgar Artist 9: the print exhibition in Australia

In from 1961 until 1978, his prints were exhibited in various galleries in Australia. Today, there are 15 major Australian galleries showing the works of Strachan. The other works are exhibited in the galleries in Europe and America. Get facts about David Carson here.

Facts about David Edgar Artist 10: the death of David Edgar

Due to the motorcar accident which occurred nearby Yass, New South Wales, David Edgar passed away on November 23rd, 1970.

David Edgar Artist Pic

David Edgar Artist Pic

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