10 Facts about David Livingstone

Friday, July 8th 2016. | Figures

Facts about David Livingstone inform the people with the famous medical missionary. Livingstone was from Scotland. He was born on 19th March 1813 and died on 1st May 1873. During the Victorian British era, Livingstone was considered as one of the national heroes in the end of 19th century. Livingstone was associated in numerous mythical positions. People believe that he was a scientific explorer and investigator. Moreover, he inspired people with his working class story. He changed his rag life to rich life. Here are other interesting facts about Livingstone:

Facts about David Livingstone 1: the fame of Livingstone

Livingstone is very popular. He gained the fame due to his obsession and exploration. He believed that he would be able to find out the age old mystery if he found out the sources of River Nile.

Facts about David Livingstone 2: an influential man

Livingstone was influential too due to his amazing fame. Do you know that he played an important role for ending the slave trade of East African Arab Swahili?

David Livingstone facts

David Livingstone facts

Facts about David Livingstone 3: the central African watershed exploration

The peak of the classic period of European colonial penetration and geographical discovery was marked by the exploration of Livingstone to the central African watershed.

Facts about David Livingstone 4: a national hero

1874, Livingstone was considered as a national hero. He was honored posthumously. He died in Africa after he had missionary travels and disappeared.

David Livingstone

David Livingstone

Facts about David Livingstone 5: the place of birth of Livingstone

The birth place of Livingstone was located in Blantyre, Scotland. It was a mill town.

Facts about David Livingstone 6: the parents of Livingstone

His mother was Agnes Hunter, while his father was Neil Livingstone. There were seven kids in the family and David was the second child.

Facts about David Livingstone

Facts about David Livingstone

Facts about David Livingstone 7: the first work of Livingstone

When Livingstone was only 10 years old, he worked in a cotton mill in Blantyre Works. It was owned by Henry Monteith & Co. What he had to do was tying the broken cotton threads for 12 hours.

Facts about David Livingstone 8: the education

In 1838 until 1840, Livingstone was educated at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School. He learned about botany, midwifery and medical practice. Find facts about David Blaine here.

David Livingstone Pic

David Livingstone Pic

Facts about David Livingstone 9: the missionary training

He had missionary training after he was accepted at LMS or London Missionary Society. Get facts about David Hume here.

Facts about David Livingstone 10: the personality and preaching

Livingstone had plain preaching style even though he developed wonderful personality.

David Livingstone Images

David Livingstone Images

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