10 Facts about David Suzuki
Those who are interested to know more about science should check Facts about David Suzuki. He was born on 24th March 1936. His full name is David Takayoshi Suzuki. In 1961, University of Chicago granted him with a Ph.D. degree in zoology. People recognize Suzuki as an environmental activist, academic and science broadcaster. Let’s find out other facts about Suzuki below:
Facts about David Suzuki 1: as a professor
In 1963 until 2001, Suzuki served as a professor at University of British Columbia. He was in genetics department. In 2001, he decided to retire from his position.
Facts about David Suzuki 2: a science broadcaster
He was known as a science broadcaster in the mid-1970s. He appeared in various documentaries, radio series and TV series. All of them were related about environment and nature.

David Suzuki Facts
Facts about David Suzuki 3: The Nature of Things
The Nature of Things is the most notable television science program of Suzuki. He was the host in the TV show. It was aired in more than 40 nations in the world. The program was very popular in CBC. Get facts about David Bernoulli here.
Facts about David Suzuki 4: the environment
Suzuki also concerned with the natural environment. His critics to the government were related to the lack of environment protection.

David Suzuki Pictures
Facts about David Suzuki 5: David Suzuki Foundation
In 1990, David Suzuki Foundation was established. David Suzuki was the co-founder of this environmental organization. There is no need to wonder that David Suzuki is also known as an activist. He wants to reverse the effect of global climate change.
Facts about David Suzuki 6: the priorities in David Suzuki Foundation
Suzuki’s Nature Challenge, oceans and sustainable fishing, sustainability, clean energy and climate change are some important issues addressed by the foundation.

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Facts about David Suzuki 7: the oil spill
The oil spill is another issue to solve by the foundation. They try to protect the seas from any oil spill.
Facts about David Suzuki 8: Canadian Civil Liberties Association
In 1982 until 1987, the director of Canadian Civil Liberties Association was David Suzuki. Check facts about David Goodsell here.

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Facts about David Suzuki 9: The Legacy
Suzuki is also an author. He earned a Nautilus Book Award due to The Legacy. The book was published in 2011.
Facts about David Suzuki 10: another award
In 2009, the Right Livelihood Award was given to David Suzuki.

Facts about David Suzuki
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