10 Facts about David Walker
Facts about David Walker talk about the anti slavery activist and abolitionist. Walker was a famous African American who was born on 28th September 1796 and died on 6th August 1830. His father was a slave, while his mother was a free. That’s why Walker was a freeman. Check other interesting facts about Walker below:
Facts about David Walker 1: the injustice toward the African American
Walker wanted to fight against the injustice and oppression on the African American community. Therefore, An Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World was published in 1829. The purpose of this publication was to unite the power of the African American people. At that time, he was living in Boston, Massachusetts.
Facts about David Walker 2: the importance of the appeal
The appeal was very important for the black community for it made them realize the inequities and abuses of the slavery institution. He also called for racial equality among all people.
Facts about David Walker 3: the reception toward the pamphlet
The reception toward the pamphlet published by Walker was mixed. Some people considered it as an extreme pamphlet, while others were fearful and outraged about it. Find facts about David Unaipon here.
Facts about David Walker 4: an important document
Today the Appeal is considered as one of the important social and political documents which reflected 19th century based on the opinion of the liberation theologians and historians.
Facts about David Walker 5: inspiration
Walker wanted to inspire the future African American activists and leaders by having a radicalizing movement.
Facts about David Walker 6: Edward G. Walker
Edward G. Walker was the son of David Walker. He became an attorney. In 1866, his son was elected into Massachusetts State Legislature. He was one of the first African American men who held the place.
Facts about David Walker 7: the place of birth
The birthplace of Walker was located in Cape Fear area, North Carolina. Since his mother was free, Walker inherited her status as a freeman. Check facts about Danny Elfman here.
Facts about David Walker 8: oppression on black people
Walker still found the unbearable oppression on black people even though he was free.
Facts about David Walker 9: moving to Boston
In 1825, Walker moved to Boston. When the American Revolutionary War ended, Massachusetts abolished slavery.
Facts about David Walker 10: the organizations
Walker involved with various black organizations such as Prince Hall Freemasonry. Massachusetts General Colored Association was founded by Walker. He addressed the issues of racism and slavery in his public speech.
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