10 Facts about Dawn Fraser

Thursday, July 14th 2016. | Sports

Facts about Dawn Fraser inform the people with Australian freestyle swimmer. Fraser was born on 4th September 1937. Her full name is Dawn Lorraine Fraser. In the past, Fraser was a politician. She participated in the 100-metre freestyle for women in the Olympic events. She is known due to her impressive athletic ability as well as her controversial behavior in Australia. Check other interesting facts about Fraser below:

Facts about Dawn Fraser 1: the place of birth

The birthplace of Fraser was located in Balmain, New South Wales. It was in suburban area of Sydney.

Facts about Dawn Fraser 2: the early life of Fraser

Fraser was from a rich family. She was from a poor working class family. Her father was from Embo, Scotland. His name was Kenneth Fraser. There were eight kids in the family and Fraser was the youngest child.

Dawn Fraser Pictures

Dawn Fraser Pictures

Facts about Dawn Fraser 3: the talented swimmer

Fraser was a talented swimmer since she was very young. Harry Gallagher was a Sydney coach who spotted the talent of Fraser when she was only 14 years old. He knew her when she swam at the local sea baths. Find facts about David Walker here.

Facts about Dawn Fraser 4: the medals

There are eight medals during the Olympics games that Fraser has earned. She also earns six gold medals from the Commonwealth Games.

Dawn Fraser Facts

Dawn Fraser Facts

Facts about Dawn Fraser 5: the freestyle record

For more than 15 years, Fraser had taken the record or 100 m freestyle. It was from December 1st, 1956 until January 8th, 1972. 

Facts about Dawn Fraser 6: the Olympic records

Fraser is one of the swimmers who have won the individual gold medal for the similar events for three consecutive Olympic Games. The other two swimmers are Michael Phelps from United States and Krisztina Egerszegi from Hungary. Fraser won the event in 1956, 1960 and 1964 for 100 m freestyle.

Facts about Dawn Fraser

Facts about Dawn Fraser

Facts about Dawn Fraser 7: swimming ability

People were impressed with the swimming ability of Fraser. She swam less than a minute for 100 m freestyle. She was the first female swimmer who did it in October 1962. Get facts about David Weir here.

Facts about Dawn Fraser 8: 1964 Summer Olympics

There was a controversial act conducted by Fraser in 1964 Summer Olympics. She marched in the opening ceremony against the will of ASU or Australian Swimming Union and team sponsors.

Dawn Fraser Young

Dawn Fraser Young

Facts about Dawn Fraser 9: an older swimming costume

Fraser also angered the team sponsors because she did not wear the costume provided by the sponsor. She chose the old swimming costume for she thought that it was more comfortable to wear.

Facts about Dawn Fraser 10: stealing a flag

Another controversial act was when she stole an Olympic flag located outside the palace of Emperor Hirohito. She was released without charge after being arrested.

Dawn Fraser Swimmer

Dawn Fraser Swimmer

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