10 Facts about Degus

Tuesday, July 26th 2016. | Animals

Let me show you a type of a small caviomorph rodent on Facts about Degus.  This animal has the scientific name Octodon degus. This rodent is native to a matorral ecoregion in Chile.  The nickname of degu is a brush-tailed rat. The word degu is taken from Mapudungun dewü. The meaning is rat or mouse. This animal is small. It has the weight around 6 to 14.1 oz or 170 to 400 grams. The body length is measured at 9.8 to 12.2 inches or 25 to 31 cm. Here are other interesting facts about degu to notice:

Facts about Degus 1: the fur color of degu

The above part of the body features the yellow brown fur. The below under part has creamy yellow fur. The neck features a paler band.

Facts about Degus 2: the body parts of degu

Degu has pale grey toes, bristled hindfeet, and dark furred ears. The tail is thin and long. It features a tufted black tip.



Facts about Degus 3: the social animal

Degu is an example of a social animal. The burrows created by communal degus are elaborate and large. They live inside the burrows. The digging chains are formed for organized work.

Facts about Degus 4: food

Degus forage for food by spending more time at the surface area. If they live a large group, the ability to detect the predators will be improved too.



Facts about Degus 5: how do degus communicate?

Degus develop their own system of communication. There are at least 15 unique sounds developed by degus to communicate.

Facts about Degus 6: the breeding season

The Chilean autumn marks the breeding season of wild degus. It is the time where degus will receive 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light. They are included as seasonal breeders.

degus Facts

degus Facts

Facts about Degus 7: when are the pups born?

In the early to mid spring season, the pups of degus will be born. The gestation period is around 90 days. The female will deliver 6 pups per litter.  Check facts about crows here.

Facts about Degus 8: the role of male degus

The male degus play an important part for raising their pups and protecting them from predators.

Facts about degus

Facts about degus

Facts about Degus 9: the diurnal animals

Degus are included as diurnal animals. All of them are active when the day comes. Find facts about deer here.

Facts about Degus 10: the eyes of degus

The eyes of degus feature two types of cone cells and rod cells on the retina. That’s why they have good vision.

degus pic

degus pic

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