10 Facts about Dennis Creffield

Monday, August 8th 2016. | Arts

Facts about Dennis Creffield talk about a notable British artist who was born in 1931 in London. There are many galleries which feature the artworks of Creffield. You can go to Swindon Art Gallery collection, the Government Art Collection, Arts Council of England, the Tate Gallery, University of Leeds collection, and Leeds City Art Gallery if you want to know his works. Get other facts about Creffield below:

Facts about Dennis Creffield 1: education of Creffield

Creffield attended Borough Polytechnic in 1948 to 1951. His mentor was David Bomberg. He was a part of the Borough Group during the exhibition. The other artists contributed in the exhibition were his mentor, Bomberg and his fellow students like Leslie Marr, Miles Peter Richmond, Dorothy Mead and Cliff Holden.

Facts about Dennis Creffield 2: another education

In 1957 until 1961, Creffield continued his education at the Slade School of Art. He was the recipient of Steel Medal for Landscape Painting and Tonks Prize for Life Drawing when he studied in the art school.

Dennis Creffield Images

Dennis Creffield Images

Facts about Dennis Creffield 3: another winning prize

At Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, Creffield took the first prizewinner at John Moores Prize Exhibition.

Facts about Dennis Creffield 4: Gregory Fellow in Art

In 1964 until 1966, Creffield was the Gregory Fellow in Art. He was selected after Herbert Read, a prominent art theorist recommended him to University of Leeds.

Facts about Dennis Creffield

Facts about Dennis Creffield

Facts about Dennis Creffield 5: teaching

Creffield taught at University and Leeds College of Art after he held a post as Gregory Fellow of Arts. Then he also taught in numerous colleges of art such as the Cyprus College of Art and University for the Creative Arts.

Facts about Dennis Creffield 6: the work of Creffield in 1985

Creffield lived in a camper van for two years since he had to draw every cathedral located in England. The Arts Council commissioned this task for Creffield to execute in 1985.

Dennis Creffield

Dennis Creffield

Facts about Dennis Creffield 7: ‘English Cathedrals’

After he finished drawing every cathedral in England, an exhibition was conducted at Hayward Gallery in London. The title of the exhibition was English Cathedrals. Creffield made a book about it. In 1988 until 1990, the exhibition was toured in Britain.

Facts about Dennis Creffield 8: the Tate Gallery

In 1990, the Tate Gallery acquired six of his drawings on English Cathedrals. They contained some views on Canterbury Cathedrals and ‘Peterborough: Approaching the West Front’. Check facts about David Mach here.

Dennis Creffield Pictures

Dennis Creffield Pictures

Facts about Dennis Creffield 9: the reviews

His works on English Cathedrals received positive reviews from Peter Fuller. He was an eminent art writer.

Facts about Dennis Creffield 10: other drawings

The drawings related to other cathedrals were commissioned after the completion of cathedrals of England. Find facts about Charles Demuth here.

Dennis Creffield Pic

Dennis Creffield Pic

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