10 Facts about Dental Hygienist
Let me show you the interesting information of a licensed dental professional on Facts about Dental Hygienist. They should be registered by the regulatory body or dental association to practice in their own country as dental hygienists. They can work independently or work along with dentists. They have higher expertise than the dental assistants for they have followed education and training related to the treatment and prevention of oral disease. Check other interesting facts about dental hygienists below:
Facts about Dental Hygienist 1: the dental setting
Dental hygienists can be found in various dental settings. You can find them working in the residential aged care facilities, private services, independent practice and specialist practice.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 2: the clinical procedures
There is a wide array of clinical procedures assessed by dental hygienists. The primary purpose is to maintain and promote the oral health. They will give educational as well as the preventive service to avoid the oral diseases. Find facts about congestive heart failure here.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 3: therapeutic methods
The therapeutic methods are employed by the dental hygienists to promote the behavioral changes on the patients in order to control and prevent oral diseases.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 4: the work of dental hygienists
A dentist or a dental specialist usually hires dental hygienists in most jurisdictions. Some of them have the license to do dental radiography and administer the local anesthesia.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 5: the primary roles of dental hygienists
The main role of dental hygienists is relocated to the periodontal therapy. It includes preventing the oral disease (prophylaxis), periodontal debridement and periodontal charting.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 6: the additional roles
There are several additional roles that dental hygienists can perform such as administer fluoride, take intraoral radiographs, make diagnosis, perform examination, and apply dental sealants.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 7: orthodontic clinic
If the dental hygienists work in orthodontic clinic, there are various tasks that they can perform such as the removal of orthodontic appliances and orthodontic band selection and sizing.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 8: other fields
Dental hygienists can be found in other fields such as the community health, research, marketing and sales and military dentistry.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 9: the mechanical and chemical plaque control
One of the tasks conducted by dental hygienist includes the mechanical and chemical plaque control.
Facts about Dental Hygienist 10: dental hygienists in New Zealand
In New Zealand, dental hygienists were allowed to work privately and publicly in 1994. Find facts about dentists here.
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