10 Facts about Desiderius Erasmus

Friday, August 19th 2016. | Religion

Here is the personal information of the famous Catholic priest on Facts about Desiderius Erasmus. He was born on 28th October 1466 and died on 12th July 1536. He was recognized as Erasmus or Erasmus of Rotterdam.  His full name is Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus. People also know him as a theologian, teacher, humanist and social critic during the Renaissance era.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 1: the works of Erasmus

The works of Erasmus were written in a pure Latin style. This Dutch man was also known as a scholar from classical period.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 2: the nickname of Erasmus

Erasmus is called as the crowning glory of the Christian humanists. He is also called as the Prince of the Humanists among the humanists in the world.

Desiderius Erasmus Pic

Desiderius Erasmus Pic

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 3: how did Erasmus work on texts?

Erasmus worked on the New Testament using the humanist techniques that he created in new Latin and Greek editions. His works were important due to the influence on the Catholic Counter-Reformation and Protestant Reformation.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 4: the works of Erasmus

There are many works of Erasmus that you can read. Those include Julius Exclusus, On Civility in Children, The Praise of Folly, On Free Will, Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style, and Handbook of a Christian Knight. Find facts about Deborah here.



Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 5: the life condition

The condition of the people who lived in Europe at that time was in religious reformation. He tried to stay away from Melanchthon and Luther. But Erasmus wanted to have a reformation on the abuses which occurred on the Catholic Church.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 6: the rejection of Luther

Luther focused on the faith alone and Erasmus rejected the idea. He had a middle way for he gave a deep respect for grace, piety and Facts about traditional faith. Moreover, he believed in Pope’s authority. Find facts about Church of England here.

Desiderius Erasmus

Desiderius Erasmus

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 7: Roman Catholic Church

During all his life, Erasmus was known as a devoted member of Roman Catholic Church.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 8: the doctrine of free will

Erasmus believed in the free will doctrine even though the doctrine of predestination was more favorable among some reformers.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 9: the death of Erasmus

In 1536, Erasmus passed away suddenly in Basel. His body was buried at the former cathedral in Basel called Basel Minster.

Facts about Desiderius Erasmus 10: his bronze statue

At first, the statue of Erasmus in his birth city was made of stone.  In 1622, it was replaced with a bronze statue.

Desiderius Erasmus Pictures

Desiderius Erasmus Pictures

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