10 Facts about Detroit

Tuesday, August 23rd 2016. | Cities

Facts about Detroit inform the readers with the fourth largest city in Midwest. In the state of Michigan, Detroit serves as the most populous city. On the border of United States and Canada, it is the largest state. The most populous county in Michigan, Wayne County is located within Detroit. There are around 4.3 million people who live in Metro Detroit. It is the metropolitan area of Detroit. In United States, it takes the 14th place of the most populous metropolitan area. Check other facts about Detroit below:

Facts about Detroit 1: the foundation of Detroit

24th July 1701, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac established Detroit along with some settlers. He was an adventurer and explorer from France.

Facts about Detroit 2: Detroit in the beginning of 20th century

In the beginning of 20th century, Detroit became a metropolitan region in U.S. due to the expanded automobile industry. The region freeway system was conducted in 1950s and 1960s.

Detroit Images

Detroit Images

Facts about Detroit 3: the decreased population in Detroit

The population of Detroit was decreased by 25 percent in 2000 until 2010 because of the low level of employment in the auto industry as well as the industrial restructuring.

Facts about Detroit 4: the population of Detroit in 2010

There were 713,777 people who lived in Detroit in 2010. At the 1990 census, the city was inhabited by 1.8 million people.

Facts about Detroit

Facts about Detroit

Facts about Detroit 5: the downtown Detroit

In 21st century, Detroit is selected as a cultural destination located at its downtown. Therefore, the restoration and revitalization projects have been spotted on riverfront, sport stadiums and entertainment venues.

Facts about Detroit 6: financial emergency

In March 2013, there was a financial emergency announcement made by Rick Snyder. He is the Michigan’s governor. An emergency manager was appointed.

Detroit Facts

Detroit Facts

Facts about Detroit 7: bankruptcy

On 3rd December 2013, Judge Steven W. Rhodes declared the bankruptcy of Michigan. The city has the debt of 18.5 billion. On 11th December 2014, the city finally had all finance back. Check facts about Denver Colorado here.

Facts about Detroit 8: the nickname

Detroit earns various nicknames such as the Motor City and Motown, the Rock City, and the City of Champions.

Detroit Pic

Detroit Pic

Facts about Detroit 9: the nightlife

Since the end of 1940s, Detroit’s nightlife has been defined by the live music. That’s why the city earns a nickname as a Motown city.

Facts about Detroit 10: the significant music events

There are many significant music events in the city. Those include Summer Jamz festival, the Detroit International Jazz Festival, the Urban Organic Music Conference and the Motor City Music Conference. Find facts about Derby here.



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