10 Facts about Devil Fish

Thursday, August 25th 2016. | Animals

The endangered species of eagle ray is explained on facts about Devil Fish. The biological name of this fish is Mobula mobular. Some people call the fish as giant devil ray. The bycatch mortality which has no relation with fisheries is the main cause why the devil fish is included in the list of endangered species. The fish is a member in the family Myliobatidae. Let’s check other interesting facts about devil fish below:

Facts about Devil Fish 1: the size of devil fish

The record of the maximum growth of devil fish is measured at the length of 17 feet or 5.2 m. Compared to the lesser devil ray, the devil fish has larger body. A spiny tail is owned by a devil fish. Due to the big body, devil fish is included as one of the largest rays in the world.

Facts about Devil Fish 2: where to find the devil fish

If you are interested to find the devil fish, spot it in Mediterranean Sea. The fish likes to live in the deep water. They can also be found in other oceans like northwest Atlantic and Eastern Atlantic Ocean.

Facts about Devil Fish

Facts about Devil Fish

Facts about Devil Fish 3: the range of depth

The devil fish can be found in different range of depth under the ocean. They can be spotted underwater up to several thousand meters. It is easy to spot them in the offshore until the neritic zone. You can find them in larger group or even small cluster of fish.

Facts about Devil Fish 4: the diet

The primary diet of devil fish includes the small schooling fish and planktonic crustaceans.

Devil Fish facts

Devil Fish facts

Facts about Devil Fish 5: how they hunt the food?

Devil fish has the branchial plates used to trap the fish and planktonic crustaceans. The plates, the result of the altered gill cover, resemble the devil like line.

Facts about Devil Fish 6: ovoviviparous

Talking about the reproduction process of devil fish, it is ovoviviparous. The eggs will be hatched inside the body of the female devil fish. After it is fully grown, it will emerge. There will be only a live pup born at one time.

Devil Fish

Devil Fish

Facts about Devil Fish 7: the rate of the reproduction

The rate of reproduction of devil fish is very low. Moreover, the environmental changes can easily affect the population of devil fish. Look at facts about cod fish here.

Facts about Devil Fish 8: the main threat

Besides the bycatch capture, the pollution in Mediterranean also affects the number of population.

Devil Fish Images

Devil Fish Images

Facts about Devil Fish 9: the fishing equipment

Dragnets for swordfish, tuna traps and trawls are some finishing equipments used in bycatch capture.

Facts about Devil Fish 10: a vulnerable species

Before it is included as an endangered species, it received a status as a vulnerable species in 2004. Find facts about cuttlefish here.

Devil Fish Pictures

Devil Fish Pictures

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