10 Facts about Different Types of Bullying

Sunday, September 4th 2016. | Social

Find out Facts about Different Types of Bullying in the following post below. Bullying is not only experienced by kids but also adults. There are many types of bullying that you need to know if you want to avoid this bad act. Some types of bullying are subtle, while others very obvious. You should be aware of it if you want to stay away from bullying. Here are other useful facts about bullying to notice:

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 1: the physical bullying

One of the common types of bullying is the physical bullying.   Damaging property, pushing, pinching, tripping, kicking and hitting are included in the types of physical bullying.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 2: the damages of bullying

The damages caused bullying can be short term or even long term. It depends on the level of damages.

Bullying Victim

Bullying Victim

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 3: kids and bullying

It is reported that bullying affects more than 60,000 kids in Australia so that they should be admitted to emergency care.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 4: the verbal bullying

The verbal abuse, racist remarks, homophobic remarks, intimidation, teasing, insults, and name calling are included as examples of verbal bullying.

Different Types of Bullying Pictures

Different Types of Bullying Pictures

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 5: targeting

Even though the physical bullying is more harmful than the verbal bullying, the negative psychological effect is occurred.  It also gets worse if an individual person becomes the primary target of verbal bullying.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 6: social bullying

Another type of bullying is the social bullying. It is hard to identify the person who bullies the target for it can be performed behind the back of the target. The effect of bullying includes the humiliation and ruin the social reputation. Check facts about cliques here.

Different Types of Bullying Pic

Different Types of Bullying Pic

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 7: the types of social bullying

The examples of social bullying include mimicking unkindly, having negative physical gestures, spreading rumors, lying, damaging the social reputation of the target as well as encouraging other people to exclude the target from the social world.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 8: cyber bullying

This cyber bullying behavior is very common due to the development of technology. It can be conducted via instant messaging, social media, websites, and text. The person uses the Smartphones or computers to do this bullying. Check facts about cyber harassment here.

Bullying Victim

Bullying Victim

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 9: the types of cyber bullying

The types of cyber bullying include nasty rumors, gossip or even sending hurtful images, photos or posts of the target.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying 10: bullying in general

In general, bullying is applied for intimidating others using coercion, threat and force.

Facts about Different Types of Bullying

Facts about Different Types of Bullying

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