10 Facts about Disc Golf

Thursday, September 15th 2016. | Sports

If you need information about one of the throw sports, check facts about disc golf. This flying disc game is often called as folf, frolf, or Frisbee golf. The individual player has to throw the flying disc at the target. The disc golf is often called as an accuracy and precision sport. The number of disc golf course had been doubled from in 2000 to 2008. There are at least 40 countries in the world which play the game. Here are other interesting facts about disc golf to notice:

Facts about Disc Golf 1: the recreational flying disc

The recreational flying disc is considered as the root for the disc golf sport. The trademarked Frisbee sparked the popularity of disc golf in the world. Check facts about deer hunting here.

Facts about Disc Golf 2: playing golf with a flying disc

The first example of disc golf playing was spotted in 1926. At that time, the people in Bladworth, Saskatchewan, Canada played golf with a flying disc.

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disc golf facts

Facts about Disc Golf 3: the tin plates

The tin plates where used to play in a game of throwing at targets by Ronald Gibson and a group of his buddies at Bladworth Elementary School.  The fence posts and trees were employed as the targets.

Facts about Disc Golf 4: Tin Lid Golf

Tin Lid Golf was used to call the game. The group often played the game in the school grounds based on the course of disc golf. Find facts about David Haye here.

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disc golf images

Facts about Disc Golf 5:  the reintroduction of disc golf

The disc golf was reintroduced at Canadian Open Frisbee Championships in Toronto in 1970s.

Facts about Disc Golf 6: the modern disc golf

In the beginning of 1960s, the modern disc golf was introduced in the world. There were many people from different world who created the game independently.

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Facts about Disc Golf 7: the tournaments of disc golf

In 1964, there were tournaments which employed trees as the targets. They were hosted by the students of Rice University in Houston, Texas.

Facts about Disc Golf 8: the trash cans

The trash cans were used as the targets by the players in Pendleton King Park in Augusta, Georgia in the beginning 1960s.

facts about disc golf

facts about disc golf

Facts about Disc Golf 9: Alameda Park

The teens played the Frisbee golf in 1968 in Santa Barbara, California at Alameda Park.

Facts about Disc Golf 10: the disc size

The traditional flying disc is lighter and bigger than the modern golf discs.  The modern one has the weight around 120 to 180 g with the diameter around 20 to 23 cm.

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disc golf pic

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