10 Facts about Diving

Friday, September 23rd 2016. | Sports

Find out one of the interesting sports in the world on Facts about Diving. When you do diving, you will have to fall or jump into the water. The springboard or a platform will assist the diver. Diving is more attractive to view as a performance if it features acrobatics. In Olympic Games, diving is also included. It has received the status as an international sport. In the pastime, diving only served as a recreational activity. Here are other useful facts about diving:

Facts about Diving 1: the audiences for diving

In term of the number of audiences, diving is popular during the Olympics Games.

Facts about Diving 2: the skills of divers

The skills that a diver should have include the air awareness, kinaesthetic judgment, flexibility and strength. They should earn the skill that a dancer and a gymnast have. In some cases, the professional divers are the former dancers or gymnasts before.

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Facts about Diving 3: the diving competition

In 1880s, diving was included as a competition in the modern world in England. In past, people were impressed diving sport.

Facts about Diving 4: the origin of diving sport

There is no clear explanation related to diving’s origin. It was believed that the origin of diving was traced back during the swimming races.

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Facts about Diving 5: plunging records

The plunging records traced back in 1865 were elaborated in the book entitled Swimming created by Ralph Thomas released in 1904.

Facts about Diving 6: diving method

Since the beginning of nineteenth century, the gymnasts in Sweden and Germany were trained during a method of diving in water.

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diving facts

Facts about Diving 7: the high diving

The popularity of high diving was increased in England. The high diving was defined as the diving activity performed from a great height. Check facts about disc golf here.

Facts about Diving 8: the types of diving

There are two types of diving. Both are fancy diving and plain diving. The 1904 Olympics event marked the introduction of plain diving.

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Facts about Diving 9: the fancy diving

The fancy diving was introduced during the London Olympics in 1908. The fixed platforms were not used. The elastic boards replaced them.

Facts about Diving 10: the diving events for women

The 1912 Olympics was conducted in Stockholm. It marked the introduction of women athletes to participate in diving event. Find facts about discus here.

Facts about diving

Facts about diving

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