10 Facts about Divorce in the UK
Check Facts about Divorce in The UK if you want to know more the process of divorce in Wales and England. When a couple cannot fix the broken marriage, they will decide to divorce. The irretrievably broken marriage can be caused by several reasons such as desertion for 2 years, separation, unreasonable behavior and adultery. Separation for five years refers to the contested divorce, while the one for two years is called agreed divorce. Here are other interesting facts about divorce in the United Kingdom:
Facts about Divorce in The UK 1: the laws
England and Wales apply Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 when seeing the broken down marriage among spouses.
Facts about Divorce in The UK 2: civil remarriage
It is allowed for the couple to have a civil remarriage in England and Wales. Whether the religious marriage is allowed or not, it is based on the denominations as well as the religions.

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Facts about Divorce in The UK 3: the conditions to divorce
A couple should follow two primary conditions if they want to go on divorce. The marriage should be irretrievably broken down. Another condition is that the marriage has lasted at least a year.
Facts about Divorce in The UK 4: an undefended basis
The procedure of divorce in many courts in England and Wales end up in an undefended basis even though it is allowed to defend the divorce.

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Facts about Divorce in The UK 5: the decree of divorce
Before divorce is made in absolute, it first comes in nisi decree.
Facts about Divorce in The UK 6: divorce in the past
The standard rules of the Church of England as well as the Court of Arches governed the act of divorce before England and Wales applied Matrimonial Causes Act 1857.

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Facts about Divorce in The UK 7: the proceeding of divorce
The proceedings of divorce before the introduction of Matrimonial Causes Act 1857 were obscure because the proctors or advocates practised civil law from Doctors’ Commons. Actually, it should be applied by the persons who practiced in the law courts.
Facts about Divorce in The UK 8: easier divorce for women
Before the introduction and application of Matrimonial Causes Act 1937, it was very difficult for the women to divorce. At that time, the men could divorce the women using one cause of adultery. On the other hand, the women could not obtain divorce merely on adultery. They had to prove another cause such as cruelty, sodomy or incest. Get facts about crime in UK here.

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Facts about Divorce in The UK 9: the age of the marriage
A divorce could only be applied by a couple who had married for at least 3 years based on The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973.
Facts about Divorce in The UK 10: one-year marriage
The period of marriage was decreased into a year due to the Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984. Check facts about criminal law here.

facts about divorce in the uk
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