10 Facts about Dog Abuse

Tuesday, October 4th 2016. | Animals

Facts about Dog Abuse talk about the form of neglect or even cruelty to dogs. It is often included as a part of animal neglect or animal abuse. Abusing the dog can be conducted in various ways. In particular part of the world, dog meat is consumed. The activists include the form as a part of dog abuse. The dog abuse may be conducted because the person suffers from zoosadism. It is defined as an act for suffering or abusing animals because of personal amusement. Check other interesting parts of dog abuse below:

Facts about Dog Abuse 1: Dogs Trust

Dogs Trust is one of the charitable organizations in the world, which focuses on the well-being of dogs. They try to re-home the neglected dogs and have campaign against dog cruelty.

Facts about Dog Abuse 2: the laws

The dog activists believe that laws about the animal cruelty is needed to prevent any abusive behavior to dogs and other animals. Check facts about animal shelters here.

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Facts about Dog Abuse 3: killing animals

Every year, there are billions of animals killed because of the education purposes.  Look at facts about animal hoarding here.

Facts about Dog Abuse 4: the approaches related to the well-beings of dogs and other animals

The jurisdiction in the world will have different view and approach related to the treatment of dogs and other animals. Some laws govern the method for keeping the dogs for pets, research, education or even entertainment.

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facts about dog abuse

Facts about Dog Abuse 5: the animal welfare

Some people believe that there is nothing wrong of using animals for human purposes like research, entertainment, clothing and food. However, when they conduct research, the level of pain or suffering that the animals will receive should be minimized.

Facts about Dog Abuse 6: the categories of dog cruelty

The dog cruelty can be divided in two broad categories. It can be passive or active.

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Facts about Dog Abuse 7: the passive cruelty

The cases of dog neglected by the owners are included as passive cruelty. The instance of neglect includes the failure to see the veterinary when the dog is sick. Allowing a collar growing on the dog’s skin, dehydration, starvation, giving inadequate shelter and parasite infestations are other examples of neglect.

Facts about Dog Abuse 8: ignorance

The neglect faced by the dogs is a result of the owner’s ignorance. That is why the owners of dog should be educated as well to prevent the neglect.

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dog abuse facts

Facts about Dog Abuse 9: the relationship of dog abuse and violence toward human

The study finds out that there is a relationship between a dog abuse and animal abuse with violence toward human.

Facts about Dog Abuse 10: the violent character

The violent character is more developed on the people who like to abuse dogs and other animals.

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dog abuse facts

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