10 Facts about Dolley Madison

Friday, October 7th 2016. | Figures

Let me show you the interesting information about the wife of the President of United States who took the office in 1809 until 1817 on Facts about Dolley Madison. Her husband was James Madison. Dolley was born on 20th May 1768 and died on 12th July 1849. The popularity of James Madison was highly increased due to the social graces of Dolley. The First Lady had done many roles of on the sake of her husband. Let us check other interesting facts about Dolley Madison below:

Facts about Dolley Madison 1: the White House

In 1814, the British set fire on the White House, which ruined the important building. The White House was furnished due to the help of Dolley. Check facts about David Blaine here.

Facts about Dolley Madison 2: the classic portrait

Do you know that the classic portrait of George Washington was saved by Dolley?

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dolley madison pic

Facts about Dolley Madison 3: the widowhood

It was very sad to know that Dolley had to live in poverty after the death of her husband. She had to sell the papers of her late husband to gain money. Get facts about David Calcutt here.

Facts about Dolley Madison 4: the birthplace and early life

On 20th May 1768, Dolley was born in Guilford County, North Carolina. Her parents were Mary Coles Payne and John Payne Jr.

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dolley madison image

Facts about Dolley Madison 5: the first marriage

Dolley married to a Quaker lawyer named John Todd in January 1790. The couple was blessed with two sons. They were John Payne and William Temple.

Facts about Dolley Madison 6: the death of her first husband

Her first husband died and her son William Temple died because of the yellow fever epidemic.

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dolley madison pictures

Facts about Dolley Madison 7: widowhood

After the death of her first husband, Dolley had to raise his son, Payne alone. At that time, she was 25 years old.

Facts about Dolley Madison 8: the second marriage

Dolley met James Madison when both met at the social events conducted by the federal capital. In United States House of Representatives, both of them represented Virginia.

facts about dolley madison

facts about dolley madison

Facts about Dolley Madison 9: married to James Madison

On 15 September 1794, Dolley married to James Madison after he was expelled from Society of Friends because Madison was not a Quaker.

Facts about Dolley Madison 10: as the first lady

Dolley took the role as the first lady after his husband was elected as the president. She was notable due to her hospitality and social grace.

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dolley madison facts

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