10 Facts about Dragons’ Den
A TV series aired in Britain is explained on Facts about Dragons’ Den. Sony Pictures own the format of this British show. Evan Davis serves as the host of the show. BBC Manchester is the producer of the program. The premier of Dragons’ Den took place on January 4th, 2005. Let us check other interesting facts about Dragons’ Den below:
Facts about Dragons’ Den 1: the format of the show
Have you watched Dragons’ Den before? In the show, there will be five rich investors. They assess the various business ideas presented by some entrepreneurs in the show. Therefore, the entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to show their business skill and abilities. Check facts about Dota 2 here.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 2: who are the Dragons?
The title of the show is Dragons’ Den. The Dragons are referred to the wealthy investors.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 3: the financial investment
The Dragons will give the financial investment for the potential entrepreneurs. In return, the Dragons will receive the stake in the company.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 4: the profitable business
The entrepreneurs have an idea for a profitable business. Due to the lack of funding, they cannot continue the idea. Therefore, they will need the investment from the Dragons.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 5: leaving without the money
The contestants will leave the show without any money if one or more Dragons is not interested with the pitch.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 6: negotiation
The negotiation between the Dragons and contestants will take place if the Dragons see the potential in the business idea. It is free for the contestant sto walk away from the show if they do not accept the negotiation related to the offers or equity for the Dragons.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 7: the percentage of money
The percentage of money will be given to the contestants if the Dragons are not so sure about the pitch. The other percentages probably will interest the other Dragons.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 8: the financial backing
The financial backing can be received by the contestants not only from one Dragon. They may receive from more than one Dragon.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 9: the out declaration
The Dragons may leave the discussion related to the pitch of the contestants by saying “out”. Check facts about Downtown Abbey here.
Facts about Dragons’ Den 10: the reasons of out
When the Dragons leave the discussion, there are two common reasons. First, the negation for the business plan is too complicated. Another one is the lack of credibility from the contestant.
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