10 Facts about Drama

Tuesday, November 29th 2016. | Entertainment

Let us talk about a stage performance on Facts about Drama. The word drama derives from Greek. It means action. Drama traditionally comes in two genres. They are the tragedy and comedy represented using different masks. The use of comedy in ancient Greece was represented with Thalia. It shows the laughing face. On the other hand, the weeping face is spotted on Melpomene, which earns the status as the Muse of tragedy. Here are other amazing facts about drama to concern:

Facts about Drama 1: the drama in modern era

The drama in modern era is not associated with tragedy or even comedy. The examples of this kind of drama include Chekhov’s Ivanov (1887) and Zola’s Thérèse Raquin (1873).

Facts about Drama 2: the masterpieces of drama

Some of drama masterpieces that people still like to see the performance include Oedipus the King by Sophocles and Hamlet (1601) by Shakespeare. Both of them are tragedy.

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Facts about Drama 3: the additional elements of drama

To make the drama performance more interesting, the usage of dance and music are included. If you watch opera, the dialog will be sung entirely during the performance.

Facts about Drama 4: the closet drama

Have you ever heard about the closet drama? This drama is not intended for stage performance. However, it is intended for reading. Check facts about Dragon’s Den here.

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Facts about Drama 5: the origin of drama

The origin of drama is always linked with the classical Greek drama. There were three primary genres of drama produced in the city-state of Athens. They were satyr, comedy and tragedy plays. It was believed that the origin of drama was related to the celebration or festival for the god Dionysus.

Facts about Drama 6: the Persians

The oldest surviving drama is The Persians. It is a historical tragedy. It was written by Aeschylus.



Facts about Drama 7: the ancient Greek comedy

There are three divisions for ancient Greek comedy. The old comedy took place in the fifth century BCE. The middle comedy was designated in fourth century BCE. The latter one is called new comedy, which took place in the end of fourth century to second century BCE.

Facts about Drama 8: the drama in England

In 16th and 17th centuries, the drama in England was flourished. The notable playwrights in the period included Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton and Christopher Marlowe. Get facts about detective fiction here.

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facts about drama

Facts about Drama 9: the historical plays

The historical plays at that time were focused on the life of kings.

Facts about Drama 10: the playwrights in modern era

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Antonin Artaud, Frank Wedekind, Arthur Miller, and August Strindberg are some famous playwrights in the modern period.

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