10 Facts about Dream Catchers

Sunday, December 4th 2016. | Cultures

Let me show you the detail information about a handmade object adorned with sacred item on facts about dream catchers. This object is important in several Native American cultures. The base of the object is created from the willow hoop. Then it is adorned with beads or feathers as the sacred items. The Ojibwe people first used dreamcatcher before it was used by other Native American tribes. The adoption of dreamcatcher to other tribes was spotted via trade and intermarriage.

Facts about Dream Catchers 1: the harvest

There was a belief that dreams catcher may increase the seasonal harvest if the Native American people ruffled the feathers more than five times in a night.

Facts about Dream Catchers 2: the adoption of dream catchers

The Native American people from different nations began to adopt dream catchers after the Pan-Indian movement in 1960s and 1970s.


facts about dream catchers

facts about dream catchers

Facts about Dream Catchers 3: the importance of dreamcatcher

The Native American people consider the dream catcher as an important symbol for it united the different nations of Native American tribes. Moreover, this object also reflects the culture of Native American people.

Facts about Dream Catchers 4: the non-Native people

Dream catcher also impresses the non-Native people. The Native Americans consider it as an important symbol. They believe that the Non-natives misuse the object and try to over commercialize it. Read facts about different cultures here.



Facts about Dream Catchers 5: the origin of dream catcher

The origin of dream catcher is associated with an ancient legend of the Ojibwe people.

Facts about Dream Catchers 6: Asibikaashi

Asibikaashi is the Spider Woman in culture of Ojibwe People who looked after the people and the land and the children. She found it difficult to reach the children when the Ojibwe Nation spread all over the corner of North America.

willow tree

willow tree

Facts about Dream Catchers 7: the magical webs

The magical webs called dream catcher then were created by the mothers and grandmothers so that they could reach the children.

Facts about Dream Catchers 8: the materials to create dream catcher

The dreamcatcher is made of cordage, sinew or willow hoops.

Facts about Dream Catchers 9: the function of dream catchers

It is believed that the dream catcher will capture the bad dreams. The nightmares will disappear when the sun rises.

Facts about Dream Catchers 10: how to hang the dream catcher

To avoid the bad dream or nightmares, the dream catcher is hung over the bed of children.

Are you interested reading facts about dream catcher?

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