10 Facts about Drinking and Driving
Let us get the useful information about the driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence on Facts about Drinking and Driving. When a person drives a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, his or her act is considered as a crime. When a driver is drunk, he cannot operate the motor vehicle safely. It may danger him and other people.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 1: the multiple DUI offenses
The people who struggle with alcohol dependence or alcoholism usually have received several DUI offenses.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 2: the primary cause of traffic accident
Do you know that driving under influence is considered as the primary cause of traffic accidents?
Facts about Drinking and Driving 3: the mortality
One of the primary causes of mortality, which occurs at the age of 15 to 29 in Europe, is DUI. Look at facts about alcohol and drugs here.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 4: the cost of damages
The cost of damages is estimated around $45 billion caused by the DUI or driving under influence and other alcohol related accidents. The charge related to DUI can be $1,000 to $10,000.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 5: BAC
BAC stands for the blood alcohol content that will be measured to determine the level of alcohol intoxication of the driver. Another test is breath test measurement. It is often called BrAC.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 6: a crime
Driving under influence is considered as a crime. Therefore, the driver may be charged with prison sentence or even fines. The driver may have the heavier penalties if the drunk driver kill or injure others.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 7: the public campaigns
The public campaigns are made so that people aware with the danger of drunk driving. Mothers Against Drunk Driving or MADD is one of the nonprofit organizations, which focuses on the awareness of drunk driving.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 8: the varied names of offenses
The term DUI or driving under the influence is very prevalent in United States. However, it also has other names in other states. It is also called OVI or operating a vehicle under influence, OWI or opening while impaired and DWI or driving while intoxicated.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 9: the common terms
The common term used to call DUI include drunken driving, drunk driving, drinking and driving, impaired driving and drink driving. Get facts about alcohol and its effects here.
Facts about Drinking and Driving 10: the term of DUI in UK
DUI in United Kingdom is called drink in charge or drink in charge of a motor vehicle.
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