10 Facts about Duke William of Normandy

Wednesday, January 18th 2017. | Figures

Let me show you interesting Facts about Duke William of Normandy in the following post below. He was known as William I or William the Conqueror. In some cases, people often call him as William the Bastard. He held the throne of England in 1066 until his death in 1087. He earned the title as the first Norman king of England. In 1035, he became the Duke of Normandy.  He was a descendant of Rollo.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 1: the secured power

William had to struggle to secure his power in Normandy. Finally, he was successful to protect his power in 1060.  In the following six years, he had invaded England as a part of his Norman Conquest.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 2: the life of William

William had to struggle hard during his life to secure his power on England. Moreover, he and his eldest son were involved in difficulties.

Duke William of Normandy Pic

Duke William of Normandy Pic

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 3: the father of William

Robert I who held the title as Duke of Normandy was the father of William. He was unmarried. His mother was Herleva, the mistress of Robert.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 4: the status

It was not easy for William to inherit the title of his father as Duke of Normandy due to his illegitimate status. During the initial years of his leadership, it was marked by anarchy.

Duke William of Normandy

Duke William of Normandy

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 5: controlling the child duke

Controlling the child duke was noted as the objective of the Norman aristocracy when they fought against another. William struggled hard to earn the power. He was capable for eliminating the rebellion in 1047.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 6: a powerful ally

William established as a powerful ally with county of Flanders through his marriage with Matilda of Flanders in 1050s.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy

Facts about Duke William of Normandy

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 7: the throne of England

William claimed the throne of England after the death of Edward the Confessor who did not have any child. In January 1066, it was believed that Edward appointed Harold Godwindson as his successor.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 8: the argument of William

William claimed it because Edward promised to make him the king of England. Get facts about Duke of Wellington here.

Duke William of Normandy Facts

Duke William of Normandy Facts

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 9: invasion of England

In September 1066, William invaded England. On 14 October 1066, Harold was killed during the Battle of Hastings.

Facts about Duke William of Normandy 10: as a king of England

On Christmas Day 1066, William was crowned as the king of England in London. Check facts about Battle of Hastings here.

Duke William of Normandy Coin

Duke William of Normandy Coin

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