10 Facts about Dynamite

Tuesday, February 21st 2017. | Science

Facts about Dynamite present the interesting information about an explosive created from stabilizers, sorbents and nitroglycerin. Alfred Nobel was the Swedish engineer and chemist who invented dynamite in Geesthacht. In 1867, he earned the patent for dynamite. Dynamite provided the safer alternative to nitroglycerin and gunpowder.  Thus, it earned popularity. This explosive was manageable, but it was more powerful than black powder. On 19 October 1867, he got the patent for dynamite in Sweden. On 7 May 1867, he earned the patent in England. Check other interesting facts about dynamite below:

Facts about Dynamite 1: patents for dynamite

The patent of dynamite was heavily controlled by Alfred Nobel. The companies, which duplicated his dynamite, were closed. They did not have the license.

Facts about Dynamite 2: the different formula

Even though Nobel tried to control the patent, some companies produced dynamite with slightly different components.

Dynamite Label

Dynamite Label

Facts about Dynamite 3: the name

Before Nobel used the term dynamite, the product was sold under the name “Nobel’s Blasting Powder”. The term dynamite is taken from the Greek work, which means power. Get facts about Dynamo here.

Facts about Dynamite 4: Immanuel Nobel

Immanuel Nobel was the father of Alfred Nobel who worked as inventor, engineer and industrialist who constructed buildings and bridges in Stockholm, Sweden.

Dynamite Pic

Dynamite Pic

Facts about Dynamite 5: inspiration

Immanuel tried to do a research, which developed a new technique for blasting rock.  It inspired his son to create more effective and safer option of explosives.

Facts about Dynamite 6: the present day uses of dynamites

The industries, which apply dynamite, include demolition, construction, quarrying and mining industries.

Facts about Dynamite

Facts about Dynamite

Facts about Dynamite 7: the popularity of dynamite

Dynamite is popular due to its affordable price compared to cast boosters. Therefore, it is often applied in trenching applications. Check facts about dye sublimation here.

Facts about Dynamite 8: Nitroglycerin Vs dynamite

Before dynamite was applied, people used Nitroglycerin as the explosive. However, it was shock sensitive. It was prone to explode due to physical shock. Moreover, it provided a high level of explosion. It was dangerous for the people to transport or use it.



Facts about Dynamite 9: the safer use of dynamite

Dynamite is safer because it combines nitroglycerin with stabilizers and adsorbents.

Facts about Dynamite 10: the form of dynamite

Dynamite is available in cardboard cylinder. It has the diameter of 1.25 inches or 3.2 cm. The length is 8 inches or 20 cm.

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