10 Facts about E-Cigarettes
Look at Facts about E-Cigarettes if you want to know an electronic cigarette. The users will inhale the vapor produced by this handheld electronic device. The flavored liquid inside electronic cigarette will be vaporized. The people will use the term vaping when using an electronic cigarette. The e-liquid is a term used to call the liquid in an electronic cigarette. It contains flavorings, nicotine, glycerine and propylene glycol. However, nicotine is not always found in all e-liquids. Let me show you other interesting facts about electronic cigarettes below:
Facts about E-Cigarettes 1: the health risks and effects
The health risks and effects of electronic cigarettes are not certain. Some people believe that they are safer compared to the traditional tobacco cigarettes.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 2: smoking
The people who want to quit smoking tend to use electronic cigarettes to help them deal with nicotine addiction. However, it is not recommended for the non-smokers to use electronic cigarettes for it may lead into addiction of smoking.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 3: the adverse effect
The serious adverse effect of electronic cigarettes is not spotted. Coughing, nausea, vomiting, mouth and throat irritations are some less serious adverse effects.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 4: the exact composition
The exact composition of aerosol or vapor in electronic cigarettes is varied. It may contain the harmful chemicals, heavy metals or toxicants. Check facts about drug addiction here.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 5: Hon Lik
Hon Lik was a Chinese pharmacist who invented the modern e-cigarette in 2003. China has produced most electronic cigarettes as of 2015.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 6: the popularity
The popularity of electronic cigarettes is increased since its first sale in 2004. The widespread use is found in United Kingdom and United States.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 7: the reasons of using electronic cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes are popular among users due to a number of reasons. They want to save money, decrease the health risk, and quit smoking. Get facts about drinking alcohol here.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 8: legislation
The legislation of electronic cigarettes is still on debate in many countries due to the disputes related to the medical drug policies and tobacco laws.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 9: the brands
The global sales of e-cigarettes reached US$7 billion. There are at least 500 brands of electronic cigarettes.
Facts about E-Cigarettes 10: the unique flavors
The unique flavors for electronic cigarettes include coffee, fruit and candy.
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