10 Facts about Earth Magnetic Field

Thursday, March 9th 2017. | Science

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field tell us with the geomagnetic field. The magnitude of earth’s magnetic field is measured at 02.5 until 0.65 gauss or 25 to 65 microteslas. The magnetic field of earth is extended into the space until it meets the solar wind from the interior of earth. Geodynamo is responsible for generating the magnetic field of earth caused by the movement of molten iron alloys located at the outer core of earth. That is why the magnetic field of earth always changes. It is different from a bar magnet. Let me show you other interesting facts about earth magnetic field below:

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 1: the north and south geomagnetic pole

The North Pole features the south geomagnetic pole of earth. On the other hand, the South Pole features the north geomagnetic pole.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 2: the geological time scales

During the geological time scales, the earth magnetic pole may wander around but it still located nearby the geographic poles. Thus, people are still depended on the poles of earth for navigation. Get facts about Earth’s Moon here.

Earth Magnetic Field Pictures

Earth Magnetic Field Pictures

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 3: switches place

The magnetic pole of earth switches place from north to south and from south to north geomagnetic pole. This process took hundreds or even thousands of years.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 4: the rocks

The paleomagnetists are capable of calculating the pastime geomagnetic fields of earth. It can be traced back from the rocks due to the reversals of geomagnetic poles.

Earth Magnetic Field Facts

Earth Magnetic Field Facts

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 5: the importance

The reserve, which leaves the record on the rocks, is important for the scholars to study the movement of ocean floors and continent.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 6: the magnetic field on space

As I have stated before, the magnetic field of earth is extended up to the space located at a region called magnetosphere.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 7: the importance of magnetosphere

What is the importance of magnetosphere? It is functioned for protecting the earth from the cosmic rays and solar wind. Check facts about Earth’s Layers here.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 8: paleomagnetism

Paleomagnetism is defined as the study of past magnetic field of earth.

Facts about Earth's rotation

Facts about Earth’s rotation

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 9: compasses

Since the eleventh century AD, the compass has been used by the people for direction.

Facts about Earth Magnetic Field 10: compass for navigation

In 12th century, compass then was used for navigation.

Earth Magnetic Field Images

Earth Magnetic Field Images

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