10 Facts about Ed Gein

Friday, May 12th 2017. | Figures

Get the information about the American body snatcher and murderer on Facts about Ed Gein. He was born on 27th August 1906 and died on 26th July 1984. His full name was Edward Theodore Gein. His famous nickname was The Butcher of Plainfield.  He earned the fame among the people due to his behavior for exhuming corpses from the local graveyard. Then he would take their skin and bones as the keepsakes and trophies. He performed the crimes in Plainfield, Wisconsin. Let us find out other important facts about Gein below:

Facts about Ed Gein 1: confession

Gein made a confession of murdering two women. On 8 December 1954, he killed Mary Hogan, a tavern owner. On 16th November 1957, he killed Bernice Worden. She was a hardware store owner in Plainfield.

Facts about Ed Gein 2: trial

He was sent to a mental health facility for he was unfit to stand before the court. He had to stay inside the psychiatric institutions since he was guilty for murdering Worden.

Ed Gein Headstone

Ed Gein Headstone

Facts about Ed Gein 3: death

On 26th July 1984, Gein died because of cancer-induced liver and respiratory failure at Mendota Mental Health Institute. Look at facts about Eddie Mabo here.

Facts about Ed Gein 4: the burial

The body of Gein was buried in the Plainfield Cemetery next to his family. The grave of Gein is not marked.

Facts about Ed Gein

Facts about Ed Gein

Facts about Ed Gein 5: the birthplace and parents

The birthplace of Gein was located in La Crosse County, Wisconsin. His mother was Augusta Wilhelmine, while his father was George Philip. He was the second child in the family. Henry George Gein was the older brother of Gein.

Facts about Ed Gein 6: the occupations of his father

His father had worked in different fields since he could not retain his job. He was alcoholic. he had to work as an insurance salesman, tanner and carpenter.

Ed Gein Pictures

Ed Gein Pictures

Facts about Ed Gein 7: relationship with mother

Gein had a very close relationship with his mother who always preached about the bible.

Facts about Ed Gein 8: living in a farm

The family of Gein settled in a farm located in Plainfield, Wisconsin where they had isolated life. The outsiders were turned away by Augusta so that they would never influence his sons. Find facts about Eddie Rickenbaker here.

Ed Gein Pic

Ed Gein Pic

Facts about Ed Gein 9: school

Gein shared his life with the outsiders when he went to school. After school, he would be in the farm. He was a good reader at school. However, he was punished by his mother if he made friends.

Facts about Ed Gein 10: crime

Gein was convicted for murdering two women. When the police officers searched his home, they discovered many keepsakes and trophies such as the facemask of Mary Hogan, the head of Bernice Worden in a burlap sack, skulls on the bedpost and many more.

Ed Gein Facts

Ed Gein Facts

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