10 Facts about Eddie Guerrero

Friday, May 5th 2017. | Sports

Let us get the interesting information about the famous American professional wrestler on Facts about Eddie Guerrero.  He was born on 9th October 1967 and died on 13 November 2005. The Guerrero family is famous in wrestling world.  He had followed a number of professional wrestling promotions in Japan and Mexico.  He also performed for WWF, WCW and ECW in United States.  “I Lie! I Cheat! I Steal!” was considered the catchphrase of Guerrero.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 1: the catchphrase

Cheating Death, Stealing Life is the title of Guerrero’s autobiography published in 2005.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 2: a villain

During his career as a wrestler, Guerrero was often depicted as a villain. However, he was very popular among fans. In 2003 until 2005, Guerrero had his heyday when he was selected by the fans as their favorite wrestler.

Eddie Guerrero Facts

Eddie Guerrero Facts

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 3: SmackDown

In 2004, Guerrero earned the title as the top wrestler in SmackDown. Check facts about Dolph Ziggler here.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 4: the real-life issues

In his storylines, Guerrerohad major real-life issues such as addiction to painkillers, alcoholism and other substance abuse problems.

Eddie Guerrero Image

Eddie Guerrero Image

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 5: the early career

Guerrero and Art Barr were in a team during the early career. In 1995, he began his career in United States after the death of Barr. He followed ECW and earned the victory with ECW World Television Championship.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 6: relocating to WCW

Guerrero relocated to WCW where he also earned great record. In 2000, he left it due to the failure of the company to take him to the major event spot.

Eddie Guerrero Pictures

Eddie Guerrero Pictures

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 7: The Radicalz

The Radicalz was a group consisting Perry Saturn, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero after all of them relocated from WCW to WWF. Get facts about Drew Brees here.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 8: the main event

Eventually, Guerrero was capable to reach the main event where he got WWE Championship.  He was still popular even though he could not maintain the title.

Eddie Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 9: death

On 13th November 2005, Guerrero died. His name was inducted posthumously in a number of halls of fame.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero 10: the cause of death

Acute heart failure was considered as the cause of death of Guerrero. A week before his death, actually Guerrero was not well.

Facts about Eddie Guerrero

Facts about Eddie Guerrero

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