10 Facts about Edouard Manet
Get the interesting information about a French painter by reading Facts about Edouard Manet. He was born on January 23rd, 1832 and died on April 30th, 1883. Manet was known due to his impressive modern life in 19th century. He was cited as a significant painter who led the transformation to Impressionism from Realism. Why don’t you look at the following post below for details about Manet?
Facts about Edouard Manet 1: the family background
Manet was interested with painting. He pursued the career in the art world rather than selecting the career according to the family background. The family of Manet had a strong political connection. They were from upper class.
Facts about Edouard Manet 2: controversy
The early artworks of Manet were controversial. They were Olympia and The Luncheon on the Grass created in 1863.

Edouard Manet Art
Facts about Edouard Manet 3: the modern art
The beginning of modern art was noted due to the watershed painting. His artworks were important since they affected the future generation of painters. His artworks were innovative. Look at facts about Ed Fairburn here.
Facts about Edouard Manet 4: the birthplace
The birthplace of Manet was located in Paris. His father was Auguste Manet who worked as a French judge. He wanted Edouard to have a career in law. His mother was Eugénie-Desirée Fournier.

Edouard Manet Artwork
Facts about Edouard Manet 5: Edmond Fournier
Edmond Fournier was the uncle of Manet who supported his decision to take painting as a career.
Facts about Edouard Manet 6: education
Manet was educated at Collège Rollin in 1841. He attended a special course of drawing due to the advice of his uncle. Manet and Antonin Proust met during the course. Both became lifelong friends. In the future life, Proust became Minister of Fine Arts.

Edouard Manet Picture
Facts about Edouard Manet 7: the early career
Manet opened his studio in 1856. The early works of Manet highlighted the simple details and loose brush strokes.
Facts about Edouard Manet 8: the contemporary subjects
Manet painted a number of contemporary subjects, which included people in cafes, singer, beggars, bullfight and gypsies.

Facts about Edouard Manet
Facts about Edouard Manet 9: the Salon
In 1861, the Salon accepted two artworks of Manet. Theophile Gautier was impressed with his work, The Spanish Singer. Check facts about Edgar Degas here.
Facts about Edouard Manet 10: The Luncheon on the Grass
The Luncheon on the Grass was the early work of Manet rejected by the Paris Salon. The Salon des Refusés was launched by Emperor Napoleon III, which featured The Luncheon on the Grass.

Edouard Manet Pic
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