10 Facts about Education in America

Monday, June 12th 2017. | Education

Let me inform you with facts about education in America by reading the following post below. Three options are available for education in US.  The home schools, private schools and public schools are available in the country. The educational standards were established by the state governments. The state colleges, a board of regents and universities usually supervise the standardized test for K12 public school system. Get other impressive facts about education in America below:

Facts about Education in America 1: funding

Funding for education in America comes from different sources such as federal, local and state governments.

Facts about Education in America 2: the private schools

It is okay for a private school to decide their staffing regulation and curriculum. The independent regional accreditation authorities are available to give accreditation.

Education in America Facts

Education in America Facts

Facts about Education in America 3: the attendance

The public schools are attended by 87 percent of the school-age children. The private schools are attended by 10 percent of the school-age students. The home schooled students only occupy 3 percent of the school-age students.

Facts about Education in America 4: the beginning of education

The beginning of their education is around five to eight years old. It is compulsory for the children at that age to attend schools. Find facts about colleges here.

Education in America Tuition

Education in America Tuition

Facts about Education in America 5: the end of education

The education for the students in America will end when they are 16 to 18 years old.  The age depends on the state regulation.

Facts about Education in America 6: the levels of education

Three levels of education are available in America. The first one is elementary school. The second one is middle and junior high school. The third one is high school. Check facts about Damath here.

American Education

American Education

Facts about Education in America 7: the division of students

The students will be divided into grades by the age groups. The youngest children will receive kindergarten schooling. Others decide to pursue the first grade. The final year of high school is the 12th grade. Look at facts about

Facts about Education in America 8: post-secondary education

The post-secondary education is divided into college.

Education in America

Education in America

Facts about Education in America 9: funding

Compared to other countries in the world, US spend more money for education.

Facts about Education in America 10: the top colleges

A report about top 10 colleges in the world contained eight colleges housed in United States.

facts about Education in America

facts about Education in America

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