10 Facts about Edward IV

Wednesday, July 12th 2017. | Figures

Facts about Edward IV present the information about a King of England. He was born on April 28th, 1442 and died on April 9th, 1483. He took the throne of England on March 4th, 1461 until October 3rd, 1470. Then he became the king again on April 11th, 1471 until he died in 1483. People recognized him as the first Yorkist King of England.  Violence marked the first half of his reign as a king. He was always associated with Wars of the Roses. Let us find out other interesting facts about Edward IV:

Facts about Edward IV 1: the title before the king

Before he became the king of England, Edward IV was the fourth Duke of York. Other titles were the ninth Earl of Ulster, Fifth Earl of Cambridge and seventh Earl of March. In the Order of the Golden Fleece, he was known as the 65th knight.

Facts about Edward IV 2: the birthplace

The birthplace of Edward IV was located at Rouen, France. His mother was Cecily Neville. His father was the third Duke of York, Richard. Before the death of his father, he earned the title as Earl of March.

Edward IV Coin

Edward IV Coin

Facts about Edward IV 3: King Henry VI

King Henry VI was on reign from 1422 until 1461. The heir was Duke of York, the father of Edward. In 1453, King Henry had a son named Edward. Richard who once appointed as the heir had to struggle against the Beaufort relatives of the king.

Facts about Edward IV 4: a dominant position

Richard was capable to kill Duke of Somerset or Edmund Beaufort in 1455 at the First Battle of St Albans. However, he had to deal with the powerful faction established by Margaret of Anjou, the Queen of Henry that tried to fight the Yorkists. Look at facts about Edward I here.

Edward IV Facts

Edward IV Facts

Facts about Edward IV 5: leaving English

Due to their lost at Ludford Bridge, the Yorkist leaders decided to leave England and lived in Ireland.

Facts about Edward IV 6: occupation of London

London was occupied after Edward landed in Keny in 1460 along with Warwick, Fauconberg, Salisbury, and Neville. They had an army there.

Edward IV

Edward IV

Facts about Edward IV 7: the Battle of Northampton

During the battle of the Battle of Northampton, the king was defeated and captured by Edward, Warwick and Fauconberg.  On December 30th, 1460, Duke of York was killed at Battle of Wakefield. Now Edward became the Duke of York. Check facts about Edward Hargraves here.

Facts about Edward IV 8: proclaiming as a king of England

Edward had a number of armed confrontations to take the throne of England. In March 29th, 1461, he proclaimed himself as the king of England. In that day, the Lancastrian army was also defeated by him.

Facts about Edward IV

Facts about Edward IV

Facts about Edward IV 9:  the new regime

Edward began his new regime as he won the battle. Even though the resistance still took place, it was not big for him.

Facts about Edward IV 10: the physical appearance

Edward IV had the estimated height of 6 feet and 4.5 inches or 1.943 meters. He was described as a handsome king.

Edward IV Arm

Edward IV Arm

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