10 Facts about Edward Lear

Sunday, July 16th 2017. | Figures

Facts about Edward Lear give the details about the English artist. He was born on May 12 or 13, 1812. People also recognize him as a poet, musician, illustrator and author. He died on January 29th, 1888. Lear is cited as the author who popularized limericks in his works. He focused his prose and poetry in his literary nonsense. It is reflected on his recipes, botanical drawings, short stories, songs, alphabets and poem. Why don’t you read the whole post below for details about Edward Lear?

Facts about Edward Lear 1: the family background

His family was from Holloway, North London. Lear was raised in a middle-class background. His father was Jeremiah Lear, while his mother was Ann Clark Skerrett.

Facts about Edward Lear 2: the eldest sister

Edward and his eldest sister were 21 years apart. She raised him. Her name was Ann just like the name of their mother.

Edward Lear Art

Edward Lear Art

Facts about Edward Lear 3: leaving the house

When Edward was only four years old, he had to leave the family house along with her sister due to the financial difficulties. She acted as a mother to him until her death.

Facts about Edward Lear 4: health condition

Edward had to deal with a lifelong health condition since he was a kid. He had partial blindness in the later life. In the earlier life, he had to deal with asthma, bronchitis and grand mal epileptic seizures. Get facts about Edward II here.

Edward Lear Facts

Edward Lear Facts

Facts about Edward Lear 5: seizure

The epileptic condition that he had led into the seizures, which made him, embarrassed. It made him stay away from the public life. Due to the instability of his childhood, he had depression.

Facts about Edward Lear 6: drawing

Lear was capable to draw since he was 16 years old. The Zoological Society decided to hire him as an ornithological draughtsman.

Edward Lear Painting

Edward Lear Painting

Facts about Edward Lear 7: a prominent bird artist

Lear was known as a notable bird artist. He used the real life birds to create the bird drawings. At the age of 19, he had the first publication of his work under the title Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae.

Facts about Edward Lear 8: the deteriorated eyes

He shifted his works from birds into landscape painting and travel due to the deteriorated eyes. Look at facts about Edmund Halley here.

Edward Lear

Edward Lear

Facts about Edward Lear 9: visiting other countries

In 1873 until 1875, he visited India. In 1848 until 1849, he went to Greece and Egypt. During his travel, he created many paintings.

Facts about Edward Lear 10: The Plains of Lombardy from Monte Generoso

The Plains of Lombardy from Monte Generoso is one of the famous works of Lear. This oil painting was made during his travel to Monte Generoso in the summer season between 1878 and 1883.

Edward Lear 1858

Edward Lear 1858

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