10 Facts about Egyptian God Seth
One of the famous gods in ancient Egypt is explained on Facts about Egyptian God Seth. He was known as a god of violence, disorder, storm and desert. The positive depiction of Seth was spotted when Ra employed him to repel the serpent of Chaos, Apep. Set was known as a lord of the red land. On the other hand, the black land was under the management of Horus. Let us check the details about Seth below:
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 1: the portrayal of Seth in Egyptian mythology
Seth was described as a usurper. Osiris was killed by Set. The conflict took place between Set and Horus, the son of Osiris who avenged the death of his father. When you learn Egyptian mythology, it is common to spot the myth about Osiris.
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 2: siblings
Nephthys, Isis and Osiris were the siblings of Seth. His wife was Nephthys. Anubis was his son. Anat and Astarte were the goddesses cited by some accounts had romantic relationship with Seth.

Facts about Egyptian God Seth
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 3: the temples
The temples of Seth were located in a number of places such as in Nubt near Kom Ombo and Naqada.
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 4: Set animal
Set animal is often used to depict Seth in art. He was described as beast, which looks like a fennec fox, a jackal, or a donkey. The physical appearance of Seth animal is characterized by the presence of canine body, a thin forked tail, long rectangular ears and a curved snout. Look at facts about Edward Thomas here.

Egyptian God Seth Image
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 5: the occasional depiction
In some occasions, Seth was described in art with a human body and distinctive head. It was believed that the depiction of Set was related to giraffe according to the earlier Egyptologists. However, Set animal and giraffe are distinguished by Egyptians.
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 6: the representation in Late Period
Seth was depicted with a head of a donkey or a donkey in Late Period.

Egyptian God Seth
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 7: the family of Seth
His father was Geb, the god of earth and Nut, the sky goddess according to the myth of Heliopolis. Get facts about Egyptian Food here.
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 8: conflict
The conflict between Seth, Osiris and Horus are found in many sources of Egyptian mythologies.

Facts about Egyptian God Seth 9: The Contendings of Horus and Set
The Contendings of Horus and Set was a legend narrated in The Chester Beatty Papyrus No. 1.
Facts about Egyptian God Seth 10: envy
Seth attacked Osiris because of he was jealous with his happy life.

Egyptian God Seth Facts
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