7 Facts about Aurora Borealis

Saturday, April 18th 2015. | World

By reading Facts about Aurora Borealis, you will know the interesting information about the formation, color, and light of aurora borealis. It is one of the interesting phenomena in the world due to the various colors produced. People love to take the picture of aurora borealis for they are amazing and beautiful. The word aurora is taken from the Roman goddess of dawn and the Latin word which means sunshine. This natural light can be seen in sky. It is usually in green color. But you can also see it blue or red. Here are other interesting facts about aurora borealis for you:

Facts about Aurora Borealis 1: aurolal zones

The phenomenon of aurora can only be seen if you go to the auroral zones. The location in the Arctic is in the north. If you go to the south, you can come to Antarctic. If you go to the Northern hemisphere latitude, the northern light is called aurora borealis. If you come to the southern hemisphere latitude, you call the light as aurora australis.

Facts about Aurora Borealis 2: the collision

The collision occurs because the atoms in the high altitude thermosphere cause the formation of aurora. The scientists also link the presence of aurora with the solar winds. The ionized gas or plasma particles are included in the winds pulling in the magnetic pole fields on earth.  The collision occurs between the nitrogen and oxygen located in atmosphere with the plasma particles. Therefore, the light of aurora is formed. Get facts about atmosphere here.

Facts about Aurora Borealis

Facts about Aurora Borealis

Facts about Aurora Borealis 3: other planets

You are wrong if you think that aurora borealis only occurs on earth. This phenomenon can be seen in other planets too such as Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. The light produced in those planets also occurs near the magnetic pole of the earth.

Facts about Aurora Borealis 4: the name aurora borealis

The name aurora borealis is taken from two names. As I have stated before, the name aurora is taken from the Roman goddess of dawn. The word boreas is taken from Greek. It means north wind. The one who name it aurora borealis was Galileo in 1619.

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

Facts about Aurora Borealis 5: the image of aurora

If you see the aurora inside the aurora oval, you can find out the greenish light.  The red color is sometimes spotted too.

Facts about Aurora Borealis 6: the aurora australis

The aurora australis cannot be separated from the aurora borealis. You can find the changes of aurora australis if the aurora borealis changes. Actually both are almost identical.

Aurora Borealis Pic

Aurora Borealis Pic

Facts about Aurora Borealis 7: how to spot aurora australis

If you are interested to spot the aurora australis, you can check it from the high altitude in South America, Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand. Get facts about Antarctica here.


Aurora Borealis Image

Aurora Borealis Image

Aurora Borealis Facts

Aurora Borealis Facts

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