8 Facts about April Fool’s Day

Friday, March 13th 2015. | Events

Let’s find out Facts about April Fool’s Day in the following post.  Many people in the world celebrate this day by playing the hoaxes or practical jokes to other people in the first day of April every year. The April fools are used to call the victims or jokes. The press often reports the hoax stories to grab the attention of the people. Here are other facts about April fool’s day for you:

Facts about April fool’s Day 1: the popularity

April fool’s Day becomes the popular day in many countries such United States, Australia, Europe, Canada, and Brazil since 19th century. Even though it is not a national holiday, people love to celebrate it each year.

Facts about April fool’s Day 2: the middle age tradition

Let’s find out the middle age’s tradition. The Lady Day was used to celebrate the New Year’s Day. On 25 of March, the people celebrated the Feast of Annunciation in most countries in Europe. In the first day of April, people celebrated the feast’s octave.

April Fool and Prank

April Fool and Prank

Facts about April fool’s Day 3: the revelation

The revelation of April fool joke is United Kingdom is by showing to the victim “April Fool”. Folklorists Iona and Peter Opie reported in their study that the jokes ended at the midday in UK. If you play the joke after the midday, you are considered as the April fool.

Facts about April fool’s Day 4: the April fool’s day in Scotland

In the past, April fool’s Day was called ‘Huntigowk Day’.  Today, the name is not used anymore. The name of the day was derived from Hunt the Gowk. The foolish person is the gowk.

April Fool's Day Facts

April Fool’s Day Facts

Facts about April fool’s Day 5: the traditional prank

The most common traditional prank used by the people on the victim by sending him or her sealed message. The content was asking for help. The recipient will send the message to another person with the similar message.

Facts about April fool’s Day 6: April fool’s in Poland

In Latin, the people in Poland call the April fool’s Day as prima aprilis. People prepare different kinds of hoaxes and jokes in this holiday. Sometimes, the people also cooperate with public institutions, media and large crowd of people.

April Fool's Day History

April Fool’s Day History

Facts about April fool’s Day 7: the celebration of April fool’s day in Norwegian, Denmark and Sweden

During the April fool’s Day, most Norwegian, Danish and Swedish news media will publish one false story. Find out an interesting event in All Saints Day facts.

Facts about April fool’s Day 8: April fish

April fish is used as the April fool’s day for the people in Belgium, Italy and some areas in Canada and Switzerland. The prank is by attaching the paper fish at the back of the victim without their notice.

April Fool's Day Tradition

April Fool’s Day Tradition


April Fool's Day

April Fool’s Day

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